By Cheryl Sullenger
Flossmoor, IL – A Planned Parenthood abortion facility in Flossmoor, Illinois, that had been open less than a year, called for an ambulance in December to transport a 32-year old woman who suffered uncontrolled bleeding during an abortion.
According to a 911 recording of the call placed December 14, 2018, the Planned Parenthood worker told the 911 dispatcher that they had tried to control the bleeding using a Foley catheter, but the patient continued to bleed. She was later transported to the hospital for emergency care unavailable at Planned Parenthood.
The recording was supplied to Operation Rescue by the Pro-Life Action League of Chicago.
A Foley catheter is a tube with a balloon at one end that is inserted into the uterus to staunch the bleeding. It also allows accumulated blood to drain from the body.
The use of a Foley catheter indicates that the patient suffered very serious hemorrhaging.
The Flossmoor Planned Parenthood opened on January 16, 2018. Its opening was protested by the Pro-Life Action League who said deception was used to conceal the truth that the building was actually going to be an abortion facility until it was too late for the public to lodge objections.
The facility conducts abortions up to twenty weeks gestation. Nevertheless, despite the fact that they do the more dangerous later abortions, the facility lacked the capacity to treat a known — and relatively common — abortion complication.
“Planned Parenthood’s lack of ability to provide adequate care in a safe environment shows that they are not fit to operate,” said Troy Newman. “We consider all abortions to be immoral acts that wrongly take the lives of innocent babies. But even putting morality aside, we should not tolerate the absence of emergency capabilities at ill-equipped outpatient abortion clinics. They are literally endangering lives each time they put a woman on the abortion table. The December medical emergency at Planned Parenthood is proof that this clinic should be shut down immediately in the interest of public safety.”
For more about medical emergencies at abortion clinics, visit
Woman Hospitalized with Uncontrolled Bleeding after Abortion at Planned Parenthood