By Cheryl Sullenger
Manassas, VA — The Amethyst Health Center for Women, located in Manassas, Virginia, has announced that it is shutting down as of September 28, 2015, after having operated since 1989. No reason was given in the brief statement that has been posted to the facility’s website.
This closure comes as the Board of Health, now controlled by pro-abortion Gov. Terry McAuliffe, is set to vote Thursday to relax abortion regulations enacted under former Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli II. McAuliffe has blocked the regulations from taking effect.
McAuliffe’s Board of Health inspected Virginia’s 18 abortion facilities and claims to have found no serious violations. However, inspectors under the previous Republican administration had no trouble repeatedly uncovering egregious violations at affect patient safety.
“Health inspectors are notoriously bend to the whims of whoever happens to be in power. That is exactly what happened in Pennsylvania under a pro-abortion administration that looked the other way while Kermit Gosnell operated in squalor, killed two patients and committed serial killings on babies born alive during illegal late-term abortions,” said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman.
When the Amethyst Health Center for Women was inspected in June and December of 2012, inspectors discovered 48 pages of violations including multiple violations of infection prevention protocols that left women at risk of becoming sick.
Violations included dirty facility conditions, soiled linens and recovery recliners, and the failure of staff to change gloves between patients.
The second inspection report revealed that infection control issues discovered during the June inspection still had not been corrected six months later.
One of the facility’s abortionist Linwood Turner, was sued for “wrongful death” in 1997. The case appeared to be dismissed following moderation, which implies that an agreement was reached with the plaintiffs.
Another of Amethyst’s abortionists, Thomas Gressinger, was reprimanded in August 2013, for allowing, (in Gosnell-like fashion), an unqualified worker to administer drugs to abortion patients. He was also sued by an abortion patient in 1993 for an abortion that was so badly botched that she required an emergency hysterectomy.
“It is a mercy that this shoddy abortion mill is shutting down,” said Newman. “But if McAuliffe has his way, we can only expect that conditions at abortion clinics will only continue to degenerate. If Virginia really cared about the health and safety of women over the monetary interests of abortion businesses, they would require high medical standards and not subject ladies to seedy clinics where authorities turn a blind eye to abuses.”
Virginia Abortion Clinic Announces Closure as Health Board Plans to Negate Safety Standards