By Cheryl Sullenger
Wichita, KS – Have you ever wondered what it might take to close an abortion facility in your state or community? There is an online resource that can help you do just that. is an informational site run by Operation Rescue that lists every abortion facility in the U.S. It includes documents that answer questions such as whether an abortion facility in your area passed its last health inspection, has malpractice judgements, or has hired an abortionist with a checkered history — and much more.
This site is an impressive resource for pro-life advocates that can assist life-saving efforts. It is also a useful, time-saving tool for those who are working to make their communities abortion free or simply want to inform women and their communities about the dangers of abortion. maintains the most accurate listing of abortion facilities in the US. Each year, Operation Rescue conducts a survey of every abortion facility in the nation, talking personally to a live person at each facility. It also contains the most accurate listing of known abortionists and the facilities with which they have been affiliated.
“No one else in the nation – including the CDC and the Guttmacher Institute – conducts a survey like this. They admit they have many abortion businesses that do not report to them. We gather data from every abortion facility directly. That data is important in learning abortion trends, which can help us understand the Abortion Cartel’s vulnerabilities,” said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman.
Information from, coupled with a goal-oriented strategy, explained in Abortion Free: Your Manual for Building a Pro-Life America One Community at a Time, by Troy Newman and Cheryl Sullenger, has been used successfully to send abortionists to jail, revoke medical licenses, and close many abortion facilities nationwide.
Newman and Sullenger are the most experienced team in the nation at securing enforcement actions that have closed abortion facilities from coast to coast. was designed by them to assist in the “research and documentation” phase of the “Abortion Free” plan to close abortion facilities, and can provide valuable documentation of abortion abuses for complaints, exposing the abuses to the public, and demanding enforcement of the laws.
A running total of abortion facilities in the U.S. appear at the upper right corner of the home page. The Mission page explains the informational purpose of the site and displays a helpful chart that shows the percentage of abortion facilities that have closed since 1991.
But perhaps the most useful feature of is an ever-growing number of documents related to individual abortionists and their businesses. The documents – over 13,500 so far — are a great source for those wanting to learn more about a particular abortion business or provider, and are not willing to settle for hear-say.
These raw documents consist of license applications, court records, medical board documents, health department inspection citations, criminal histories, and other important records that can help you better understand the Abortion Cartel and their historical behavior.
The site also links to thousands of articles that have appeared in print, in addition to photos, and video related abortion providers, which give true insight into the dangers associated with a particular abortion business or abortionist.
“I like to call the best online file cabinet for documents proving abortion abuses. It is the largest online depository of documents on America’s Abortion Cartel,” said Newman. “These documents do no good sitting in our office, so we are sharing them online in order to help pro-life supporters be as informed as they can be about the true nature of abortion in this country. Information is power.” is easy to use with a number of ways to search. Simply go to the home page and click a state of interest for a listing of all abortion facilities and known abortionists.
There is also a search field where a facility name, abortionist’s name, street name, or city can be entered for more specific searches.
Buttons on the home screen help sort searches by category.
One other helpful feature of is the “Closed” tab, which features a searchable listing of now defunct abortion facilities and former abortionists who have quit or been forced out of the abortion business. Just click the area of interest in the “Closed” drop down menu then enter a name in the search field.
There is also a tab that contains a listing of “Worst Offenders,” which includes the likes of convicted murderer and illegal late-term abortionist Kermit Gosnell and convicted illegal late-term abortionist James S. Pendergraft, among others. “Worst Offenders” can be searched by clicking the tab on the home page and entering a term in the search field on page one of the Worst Offender’s list.
“We invest many man-hours each week ensuring is continually being updated with the latest information available, so pro-life supporters as well as the curious can be as informed as possible about what is really going on at the abortion facilities in this country,” Newman explained. is a work in progress. Despite the large body of information currently available on the web site, Operation Rescue also invests a great deal of time and expense seeking additional documents and updating the site. It is a huge never-ending task.
“Our team of researchers are among the best in the nation at uncovering incriminating documents on the Abortion Cartel and using them to bring scofflaw abortionists to justice. But even so, we are always seeking help to keep the site as current and accurate as possible. We urge anyone with information or documentation concerning abuses at abortion facilities to contact us, and become part of this project to educate the American people about the true — and very unseemly — nature of abortion.” said Newman.
Those with tips, documents, photos, video, or other data can contact Operation Rescue at info.operationrescue(@) or call our office at 316-683-6790.
Operation Rescue is available to answer any questions about or the “Abortion Free” plan to build an abortion-free America. We can be reached through the contact information listed above.
Get Abortion Free, by Newman and Sullenger.
Using to Make America Abortion Free