Update by Cheryl Sullenger
“We discovered late Wednesday evening that there were warrants issued, ready to be exercised on the following day.”
– Dr. Douglas Frank
Last week, Operation Rescue reported on Mike Lindell’s Cyber Symposium that was convened to show evidence that the 2020 Presidential Election was hacked and who was involved. We received some inquiries about why the Packet Captures (PCAPS) were not presented as promised. We published the explanation given at the Symposium by Col. Phil Waldron, but that information was vague out of necessity.
An important Cyber Symposium participant, Dr. Douglas Frank, took to Telegraph over the past few days and wrote more about the drama that rocked the event behind the scenes and sometimes in full view of the public.
Dr. Frank is a physicist and mathematician from Ohio who discovered the algorithm used by apparent election hackers based on the 2010 U.S. Census. [Learn more about Dr. Frank’s discovery by watching the video “Scientific Proof.”]
Below is several of Dr. Frank’s posts on Telegram that clarify events and answer questions about the PCAPS. Information is copied verbatim as it was written and screen captures of his posts have been included along with links to each post for validation purposes.
Dr. Frank can be found and followed on Telegram at https://t.me/FollowTheData.
“The Whole Story”
I’ve read several hypotheses about what took place last week at Lindell’s cyber symposium.
I haven’t read a correct one yet.
But some good tries.
Remember Occam’s Razor… the simplest explanation tends to be the correct one.
Admittedly, there were many things going on simultaneously, so it would be challenging to untangle them.
There were times WE didn’t know what was going on.
Warfare is like that.

To my knowledge, I have never been involved in military ops before.
Well, last week was baptism by fire.
And I have a new appreciation for the training and tenacity of our military folks. God bless them.
There were ops, counter-ops, *multiple* teams, canary traps, poison pills, PsychOps and SecOps.
One Op I haven’t heard much discussion about, I will call “SpirOps.” Short for spiritual operations.
Unbeknownst to most folks, there were individuals backstage, teams in back rooms, and teams and individuals across the country praying aggressively for us. In real time. Spiritual warfare. The real deal.
Prayer warriors wielding powerful spiritual weapons against the forces of evil.
After this ordeal, I am convinced that the SpirOps were the most important Ops of the week.
Make no mistake, my friends. This is not merely a battle for our country, for liberty, and for the Truth, this is a spiritual battle for the souls of a nation and the entire world.
And the SpirOp is ongoing. If you are not yet engaged, I encourage you to bring your spiritual weapons to the table.
“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.”
— Ephesians 6:12

“Cyber Experts”
Late afternoon of the end of the first day of the Cyber Symposium, I dropped in on the cyber guys… I speak their language, and I was anticipating that they would have lots of questions.
I knew they would be disappointed that they had initially received such a small sampling from the PCAPs, because I was too. I explained to them what was going on, and assured them that our intent was to get them the complete picture by the third day.
*I wanted the PCAPs too…*
In the interim, we had given them forensic images of voting machines from Mesa and Antrim Counties.
One of them said, “Now, I hate you Dr Frank, because now I’m gonna be up all night.” They are like raw meat to lions for these guys.
It was as though we had been mining for gold, and stumbled upon diamonds. Forensic images are far better than PCAPs.
As late as Wednesday evening, it was still our intent to deliver the PCAPs, and our team was preparing a new 7Tb slice for them. Some things had been prepared in advance, but there were technical difficulties and the red team was demanding a different approach.
Of course, now you know of the assault on Mr Lindell and the poison pill Op that was in place which changed our plans at the last minute.
Several positive things resulted, one of which I had not thought of in advance. I had been thinking of the cyber guys as adversarial… there to prove that the PCAPs were not from the November 2020 election and win the five million dollars.
Instead, most of them are true patriots, stepping up to serve their country. I was inspired by their devotion and impressed by their skills.
So, yes, the PCAPs are delayed, and we will have to be patient while things work themselves out.
But our team of patriots just got bigger, and this is the beginning of something remarkable.

“Poison Pill”
A poison pill Op is where you plant something strategically in the opponents camp that allows you to damage them.
At the cyber symposium, we discovered that we had infiltrators in key positions, with access to the data that we were about to distribute.
We knew we had FBI agents on the floor of the symposium gathering intel.
We discovered late Wednesday evening that there were warrants issued, ready to be exercised on the following day.
It is illegal to distribute classified information, and suspect computers can be confiscated and distributers can be arrested.
There was a credible threat, and military folks treat credible threats as actual threats.
(Gosh, I love our military guys…)
The fastest way to make enemies of fifty cyber guys would be to get their computers seized, and to put them in jail.
I don’t want to be in jail either.
And it would also deliver the data into the hands of the opposition.
We began making decisions assuming a poison pill Op was in effect.
So we went with plan B, and it seems like a good plan to me. But I’m new at all this cloak-and-dagger stuff.
Lady Draza and I were discussing it afterward, and she noted that there seemed to be little opposition to the release of the new PCAP data. (Like they wanted us to release the new data.) Not until we started releasing forensic images was Mike assaulted. I think she is better at this than me.

“The Red Team”
I arrived several days early to the cyber symposium (Saturday) because I understood how important the event was. I wanted to be well-prepared and to help facilitate the success of the event.
When I arrived, I discovered that Lindell had hired a “red team,” led by Col Waldron, whose job it was to “think like the enemy” and uncover the weaknesses in our battle plans for the week. They started setting up late Saturday night.
It did not take them long to uncover some serious weaknesses.
When I joined the team on Sunday, I was quite alarmed, and I enjoined the effort to shore up our strategies.
For various reasons, we had to acquire a new copy of the PCAP data… not a trivial task. Mr Lindell set his plane scurrying across the country to gather what we needed.
We finally got what we needed, but the bulk of the data were still not going to be ready in time for the Tuesday release… likely Thursday.
We were seriously discussing postponing the event.
We called Mr Lindell to the war room to give him the bad news.
While he was en route, we got a a phone call from Tina Peters. She was ready to become a county clerk whistleblower.
We looked at each other… we had forensic images of her Mesa County election systems… BETTER than PCAPs.
Like you are mining for gold, and you stumble upon diamonds.
Mr Lindell enters the war room, and Kurt smiles and says, “Mr Lindell, you are the luckiest SOB on the planet.”
Mr Lindell says, “No, it’s another divine appointment.”
Indeed, there were many divine appointments that week.
It was nice having God on the red team.

I’ve spent several days with Mr Lindell since March. Each time there have been security teams on hand, packing some serious hardware. Mostly former Navy seals. It has been surreal.
Security for the cyber Symposium felt different. I hardly ever saw a weapon, and the teams were mostly younger guys.
It wasn’t until Thursday that I learned that there were other teams as well. “SecOps” were identifying every attendee in real time using facial recognition. There were undercover teams on the event floor, and teams back in the hotel working their intelligence.
I had no idea all this was going on until Thursday, the last day of the event. Obviously, I’m kinda naive when it comes to all this cloak and dagger stuff.
Mr Lindell had reserved all the rooms in our hotel in advance, there were security folks in the hotel, and we thought the hotel was relatively secure. Obviously, we were wrong, because Mr Lindell was assaulted on Wednesday evening next to the elevator while he was headed back to his hotel room.
I was missing my Navy seals.

It is now obvious that there were attacks and attempts to set up the Cyber Symposium participants. Mike Lindell named names during a broadcast on his social media platform, Frankspeech.com.
The point of sharing this information is to, first, keep everyone informed, and secondly, to emphasize that those who are attempting to expose important evidence that our 2020 Presidential Election was compromised to the extent that it affected the outcome of the election are facing attacks, both personal and legal.
“This is not a game. There are people — even apparently in our own government — who will stop at nothing to ensure our elections remain vulnerable to fraud so they can keep their Communist, pro-abortion faction in power permanently. We must stand against this effort at every turn. The fate of our nation, our freedoms, and our people – including the unborn – depend on whether we can identify what happened in 2020 and successfully secure our election process before the next election cycle,” said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. “If we don’t have free and fair elections, we cannot hope to ever end abortion in our nation or live as free people again.”
Below are suggestions for what you can do to ensure our elections are secure and accurate.
- Get a Telegram account and click this link to see a list of chat rooms that have been set up for almost every state These chat rooms help network people to work toward the goal of initiating cyber forensic audits in all 50 states. Join the one for your state to learn how to get involved.
- Contact your State Senators and House or Assembly members and ask for a cyber-forensic audit of the November 3, 2020, election results in your state. Every state should conduct such an audit to determine the full extent of election corruption in our nation – if any – so we can restore confidence in our election processes.
- Insist that your Secretary of State purge the state voter rolls to remove deceased or ineligible voters.
- Sign up to be a poll worker or watcher in the next election.
- Consider running for public office.
- Contact your State and County officials to encourage them to make election integrity their highest priority. Be sure to mention ways to improve the election process. Here is a list of things that can be done to ensure our elections are trustworthy:
- Insist that only serially numbered paper ballots are used in voting because anything that is electronic can be hacked.
- Stop the use of electronic poll books (iPads) and return to printed books only.
- Limit or end advance voting.
- Stop the unsolicited distribution of ballots by mail and put specific limits on who can vote by absentee ballot.
- Verify signatures on all absentee ballots, and demand Voter ID at the polls.
- Ban the use of unattended ballot drop boxes.
- Outlaw ballot harvesting.
Read Operation Rescue’s previous reports on Mike Lindell’s Cyber Symposium.