By Cheryl Sullenger
Albuquerque, NM – As the subject of third trimester abortions is being debated nationwide, two ambulances were summoned last month to Southwestern Women’s Options in Albuquerque, New Mexico, the largest late-term abortion clinic in the country, to care for women suffering serious abortion complications.
“We are grateful to President Donald J. Trump for advocating an end to the barbaric practice of late-term abortions and for his eloquent support of life in his brilliant State of the Union Address,” said Troy Newman, President of Operation Rescue. “Late-term abortions are fraught with risks, and the hospitalization of the two women in Albuquerque only highlights the dangers to women.”
The ambulances were seen at Southwestern Women’s Options on January 10 and January 31, 2019. The two suffering abortion patients were transported to University of New Mexico Hospital for further treatment, according to Abortion Free New Mexico, which alerted Operation Rescue to these incidents.
Southwestern Women’s Options is one of six abortion facilities in the U.S. that openly conduct abortions throughout all nine months of pregnancy. It is owned by Texas abortionist Curtis Boyd, who publicly admits he engaged in the illegal practice of abortion prior to Roe v. Wade in 1973.
Third trimester abortions are risk-filled multi-day procedures that have been known to cause serious harm to women.
On February 4, 2017, 23-year old Keisha Atkins died from complications to a 4-day abortion procedure. She was at least six months along into her pregnancy, and possibly farther. Tara Shaver, of Abortion Free New Mexico filed a complaint with the New Mexico Board of Medicine requesting an investigation and seeking discipline in Atkins’ avoidable death.
Apart from the inhumane killing of an innocent child in the womb and the grave risks posed to the life and health of women, there are other unseemly aspects of late-term abortions that only enhance the arguments for ending them.
For example, SWO was also referred to the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) for criminal investigation after the House Select Investigative Panel on Infant Lives determined that Southwestern Women’s Options was the sole supplier of aborted baby tissues and organs to the University of New Mexico.
In a bizarre admission, chancellor of the University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center and dean of the School of Medicine, said that baby brains obtained from SWO were dissected by high school students as part of a summer camp activity.
In January 2018, UNM locked Dr. Robin Ohls out of her lab due to suspicions that she was illegally profiting from the sale of aborted baby parts from Southwestern Women’s Options after she was found transferring them to a private laboratory in Michigan.
The DOJ investigation into alleged criminal conduct by SWO and UNM related to the trafficking of aborted baby body parts is still underway.
But these horrific procedures are not done to save a mother’s life. State health statistics have no evidence of that. They are rarely done to spare serious health problems for the mothers. In fact, they are often done for frivolous reasons.
Operation Rescue has documented eleven cases of third-trimester abortions done in 2003 on minor girls with healthy, viable babies done at the now-closed Women’s Health Care Services in Wichita, Kansas, which was once boasted of being the largest late-term abortion facility outside Communist China.
The minors’ abortions were all done for trivial or transient reasons. For example, one was given an abortion because she enjoyed playing basketball and her third trimester pregnancy took the enjoyment out of the sport. Another 15-year old girl received a third trimester abortion because her pregnancy interfered with her participating as a barrel rider in a rodeo.
Another disturbing complication to late-term abortions is when babies are born alive. One of SWO’s abortionists, who once conducted late-term abortions at the Wichita facility, was accused by another employee of having intentionally killed a baby born alive and struggling for life. The horrific eye-witness account can be seen on
In the case of convicted murderer Kermit Gosnell, he would routinely birth babies at his “House of Horrors” clinic then kill them by severing their spinal cords. Texas abortionist, Douglas Karpen, is currently under investigation by the FBI for killing living babies after failed abortions in a way reminiscent of Gosnell’s crimes.
“We support President Trump’s efforts to ban late-term abortions, the sooner the better. It is a compassionate solution to a very cruel situation that is more common than the abortion cartel wants anyone to know,” said Newman. “Such a law would save the innocent lives babies who can feel the pain of the abortion process, and will spare women from the life-threatening complications that can cause great harm to their health and even death, as we have seen in far too many cases.”
Two Medical Emergencies at New Mexico Late-Term Abortion Clinic Highlight Need for Trump’s Ban on Barbaric Procedures