By Cheryl Sullenger
Washington, D.C. – The Trump Administration has taken the first steps to withdraw from the World Health Organization (WHO), which has been plagued by corruption, dishonesty, and mistakes during the COVID-19 pandemic. The exit process is expected to take a year.
The WHO is also a huge promoter of abortion worldwide, and has connections to the Clinton Foundation, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and other organizations that support global depopulation through abortion.
“We support President Trump’s decision to leave the WHO. We have poured billions into that globalist organization and all we have gotten back are lies, a stronger enemy in China, a drained treasury, and dead babies,” said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. “The U.S. should not be part of the WHO and its pro-communist, pro-abortion agenda.”
Earlier this year, President Donald Trump withheld funding from the WHO when it became clear that United Nations affiliate was covering up for China, where the virus originated, and withholding important information about the virus that could have saved lives. Later, the WHO admitted it lied about being initially notified of the virus by China when the organization actually found out about it through one of its offices, which saw it on a television news broadcast.
Since 2010, the U.S. taxpayers have funded the WHO to the tune of $3.5 billion.
In America, while pro-life groups were trying to persuade states to shut down abortion facilities during the COVID-19 bans on elective surgical procedures, WHO Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus supported keeping the abortion facilities open. He said that abortion is “an integral to universal health coverage and achieving the right to health. This includes. . .safe abortion to the full extent of the law.”
“Tedros’ fealty to China is unacceptable because of its forced abortion policies and other human rights abuses,” said Newman.
Tedros, an Ethiopian national who is not a medical doctor, has been tied to the leftist Tigrayan People’s Liberation Front (TPLF), which has been listed by the U.S. government in the Global Terrorism Database for its part in “gross human rights abuses.”
Tedros was also linked to corruption as the former head of the Global Fund, which was supposed to finance efforts to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria. One third of its funding came from the U.S. government — $18 billion since its founding in 2002. The Clinton Foundation and the Clinton AIDS/HIV initiative was a large recipient of some of that funding.
It’s no accident that one who is complaining the loudest about leaving the WHO is Hillary Clinton, whose foundation has financially benefited from the WHO and the Global Fund under Tedros.
This is the very last thing we need, so of course the Trump administration is doing it. What a self-inflicted disaster. https://t.co/US0KyvLHRa
— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) July 7, 2020
Under the watch of Tedros and the Clinton’s, it is estimated that 67% of funding for an AIDS program in Mauritania was “misspent” and a large percentage of funds in other countries never reached programs meant to fight malaria and tuberculosis.
“The corruption in which Tedros and the WHO has been implicated is so massive that it is hard to fully understand it,” said Newman. “The U.S. was funding a gravy train for the Clintons and others, while people, including unborn babies, died. We are thankful for President Trump getting us out of that bloody mess.”