By Cheryl Sullenger
Bakersfield, CA — The morning of January 30, 2019, started like any other for Tim and Terri Palmquist, who offer help to women outside the FPA Women’s Health abortion facility in Bakersfield, California.
Tim watched as the abortionist Gorli Harish, climbed out of his red Cadillac and was greeted by the awaiting security guard, who escorted him to the front door of the abortion clinic just a few feet away.
Tim pleaded with Harish not to conduct abortions that day, but of course, he did not listen.
Later that morning, it became obvious that something had gone terribly wrong.
An ambulance arrived at FPA Women’s Health and removed one woman on a gurney through the door closest to the recovery room. Unlike other times when ambulances were called – and there have bee many – the woman was not covered with a sheet. The clinics workers that usually deployed a tarp to block the public’s view of the incident were nowhere to be found.
It was almost as if they were beyond caring.
Tim and Terry rushed over to the Adventist Health Hospital just a block or so away from the abortion clinic in time to see the woman off-loaded from the ambulance and rushed into the emergency room. The woman’s mother had accompanied her daughter for the abortion and to the hospital in the ambulance.
She was obviously not happy to see the Palmquists at the hospital’s emergency entrance, having walked past them with her daughter while ignoring their offers of information and practical help, but the sad reality is that if she had heeded to the Palmquist’s efforts to save her grandchild, her daughter would not have been lying on a gurney in the emergency room.
She might also have heard about Gorli Harish and the dangers he posed.
Harish is a known alcoholic. He worked for years in West Virginia, wreaking havoc on women and killing babies at his Kanawha Surgi-Center in Charleston, which shut down in 2017.
Harish’s West Virginia medical license profile shows three disciplinary actions taken against Harish from 1993 to 2016, in addition to at least 13 medical malpractice suits, 12 of which he settled for unstated monetary amounts.
In 1993, Harish was ordered by the West Virginia Board of Medicine to undergo a “mini residency,” learn how to keep proper medical records, and submit to peer reviews after three women filed malpractice suits against him.
In 1996, Harish surrendered his medical license and checked into an alcohol rehabilitation facility. Five months later, the West Virginia Board of Medicine reinstated his license, placed him on probation for two years, and implemented other restrictions, including meeting with an addiction recovery monitor and attending Alcoholics Anonymous.
In 2016, Harish was fined $4,975 for lying about having completed his Continuing Medical Education requirements. Instead of completing the required 50 hours, he had actually only done 1 hour and fifteen minutes.
In all, at least 20 FPA abortion patients have been hospitalized with serious abortion complications in the past six years.
Harish is just the latest of a Rogue’s Gallery of abortionists who have come and gone from the Bakersfield FPA, leaving a trail of injured women in their wake.
Notable among those has been Alexander Simopoulos, a Beverly Hills based cosmetic surgeon known as the “Playboy Abortionist” who has appeared on reality television shows such as Bravo’s Millionaire Matchmaker, where he confessed that he views women as sex objects and where women he encountered on the show referred to him as “Dr. Freak,” “creepy,” “gross,” and “Dr. Frankenstein.” One woman was so appalled by his behavior that she warned, “women of the world, stay away!”
Another was Donald Clyde Willis, who was hospitalized in a Washington state psychiatric hospital after shooting himself in the forehead during a failed suicide attempt. Upon his release, he delved in the business of abortion, relocating to California after Washington placed numerous restrictions on his medical license.
“The Palmquists and their organization, Life Savers Ministries, are doing an amazing job outside a very difficult and dangerous abortion facility,” said Troy Newman, President of Operation Rescue. “When they are able to help women turn away from abortion, they are not just saving the babies, but they may well be saving the lives of the mothers, too. FPA Women’s Health in Bakersfield must be closed to prevent further harm to women.”
Too Dangerous to Operate: Bakersfield Abortion Business Hospitalizes 20th Woman in 6 Years