Illegal abortionist Bertha Bugarin is shown shackled in court (right). Operation Rescue worked to expose her illegal abortion clinics in Chula Vista (pictured) and throughout Southern California.


Read more about Operation Rescue’s efforts to expose illegal abortionists and bring them to justice:

Harold Alexander, James S. Pendergraft IV, Maryland, Alexander license revoked

Steven Chase Brigham, New Jersey

Kermit Gosnell, Pennsylvania

Rapin Osathanondh, Massachusetts

Naresh Patel, Oklahoma

James S. Pendergraft IV, Florida

This report may be republished with inclusion of the following acknowledgement: “This article was originally published by Operation Rescue, a leading pro-life, Christian activist organization dedicated to exposing abortion abuses, demanding enforcement, saving innocent lives, and building an abortion-free America. The author, Cheryl Sullenger, is Operation Rescue Sr. Vice President Emeritus.”