Deceased Abortionist LeRoy Carhart Lives on Through His Daughter
By Anne Reed
In 2023, Operation Rescue received an email from a whistleblower about illegal activity at a notorious abortion clinic in Bellevue, Nebraska. The whistleblower stated that felon abortionist Tyrone Malloy, who lost his medical license for fraud, would be illegally seeing patients the following day.
The email was received days after late-term abortionist LeRoy Carhart died, on April 29, 2023. Carhart previously owned and operated the facility, and his daughter, Janine Weatherby, assumed the role of administrator after his death.
Operation Rescue and a local resident of Bellevue, who observed on-site clues supporting the whistleblower’s claims, filed complaints with the Nebraska Attorney General’s office. As a result, Malloy, the abortionist alleged to have prescribed abortion inducing drugs without a license was investigated.
As per a letter from the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), the investigation was initiated in late May. Two months later, Weatherby was interviewed for an article dated July 31, 2023, which clearly stated Malloy, still not licensed at the time, took over as medical director “in the wake of Carhart’s death.”
Malloy’s state medical license remained in the “pending” category on the DHHS online licensure verification site for months. On September 11, 2024, DHHS confirmed in writing that Malloy “failed to respond to a request for additional documents to complete his application within 150 days and his application was closed.”
More of the Same
This week, Operation Rescue received still more evidence of wrongdoing at the shoddy facility. A “Compliance Investigation” on July 23, 2024, by representatives of DHHS Division of Public Health revealed multiple findings of noncompliance. According to the DHHS letter addressed to Weatherby, “the facility did fail to ensure that dispensed drugs were by a physician with a dispensing permit” between the dates 8/2/2023 and 11/3/2023.
That inspection fell just two weeks after a July 6, 2023, inspection, as per a Pharmacy Quality Assurance Report, that identified multiple infractions, including evidence that one abortionist (Marilee Hanson) illegally prescribed drugs under the prescribing permit of another abortionist (Garry Siegel, now deceased).
“The list of violations are too many to count for this so-called clinic,” said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. “Just like LeRoy Carhart never learned his lessons, neither do his successors. His daughter follows in his footsteps, caring nothing about women and obviously believing she is above any regulations put in place by the state to protect patients from dangerous, back-alley businesses posing as medical facilities.”
No Background Checks on Employees
The facility was also cited for failing to perform the required background and registry checks to determine whether a potential employee is qualified to work in a medical clinic.
Abusive Employees Welcome
As part of mandatory background checks, a medical clinic is required to inquire with Adult Protective Services (APS) in an effort to screen out potential employees who have abused, neglected, or exploited vulnerable adults with a substantial functional or mental impairment. However, this facility failed to complete the required registry inquiries.

“It’s certainly not a surprise that this reckless and uncaring facility would show no concern for this incredibly vulnerable and precious segment of our society,” said Newman. “Carhart was, after all, responsible for the death of Christin Gilbert, a joyful 18-year-old woman with Down Syndrome.”
Gilbert died on January 13, 2005, of systemic organ failure due to extreme neglect, hemorrhage, and sepsis. The disturbing details concerning the events that led to her senseless death can be found here.
“Abortionists kill children in the womb simply because of a Down Syndrome diagnosis all the time. We certainly aren’t surprised when they also callously snuff out the precious life of an adult with Down Syndrome – like Christin – or fail to screen employees for abuse of vulnerable adults,” added Newman.
Other agencies with which the facility failed to check for adverse findings were the Central Register of Child Protective Cases and the Nebraska State Patrol Sex Offender Registry. Abortionists are known for sexually abusing patients, as made evident by Operation Rescue’s extensive research project and exposé Dirty Doctors Digest released in March.
We won’t stop
Newman added, “Operation Rescue will continue to expose this dangerous killing center and make every effort to legally close its doors. Of course, abortion is never safe. It kills an innocent human baby every single time! And this incredibly dangerous facility in Bellevue, Nebraska, is just another back-alley abortion clinic profiting off the back of murdered babies and vulnerable young women.”
This report may be republished with inclusion of the following acknowledgement: “This article was originally published by Operation Rescue, a leading pro-life, Christian activist organization dedicated to exposing abortion abuses, demanding enforcement, saving innocent lives, and building an abortion-free America. The author, Anne Reed, is Senior Policy Advisor for Operation Rescue.”
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