By Cheryl Sullenger
Franklyn Seabrooks is over 80, well within the age of people who are considered most at risk of developing a life-threatening symptoms if exposed to the China Virus, COVID -19. Nevertheless, he was seen trudging into the Scotsdale Women’s Center in Detroit, Michigan, past one unprotected security guard on Friday, March 20, 2020, without out any personal protective gear.
Seabrooks stopped for a brief chat with a male clinic worker decked out for show in enough protective gear to make a Hazmat crew envious, yet standing within a couple of feet was a clinic “escort” who had close contact with the public all morning wearing a loose mask and no gloves.
Under those conditions, the opportunity for Seabrooks to contract and spread COVID-19 is a very real threat.
And that is just one example of abortion facilities – businesses that are not known for adhering infection control protocols even in normal times – are staying open despite the very real threat of spreading the China Virus, COVID-19.
“While our schools, businesses, and churches are closed, abortion businesses not only staying open, but are in active defiance and trying to increase the number of abortions done. For these people, today’s National Emergency is nothing more than an opportunity for profit-taking, no matter who it hurts,” said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. “Governors in every state need to be contacted and encouraged to shut down the abortion facilities.”
In Ohio, State Attorney General Dave Yost stepped up to protect the public and ordered abortion facilities in that state to halt all elective abortion procedures, but the abortion facilities are now in open defiance.

On Saturday, police officers were called to a Cleveland abortion facility, Preterm, after receiving calls that they were in violation of Yost’s cease and desist order.
Pro-life activist Frank Kosmerl, who was on the scene when police arrived, told Operation Rescue what happened.
“Cleveland Police were called at 11:00 AM & 2:00 PM. The Police spoke with us and with the [abortion clinic staff]. The Police bought the lie, that the . . . Cease & Desist Order was just a suggestion,” Kosmerl wrote in an e-mail.
“Without enforcement of this abortion facility order, it is meaningless. Ohio must take steps to enforce its order and shut down the abortion facilities,” said Newman.

In Orlando, Florida, at the Center of Orlando for Women, abortion customers were lined up in a queue out the door as usual, despite a stay-at-home order in place in Florida. And forget about social distancing. There was no effort to apply any of the U.S. Surgeon General’s recommendations to limit the spread of COVID-19.
At the Hope Clinic, a late-term abortion facility in Granite City, Illinois, the parking lot was packed.

Pro-life activist John Ryan posted on Facebook, “Up to 100 people have been walking in and out of this building every day since the virus began. Cram together. A veritable petri dish for the virus. Parents so desperate to have their children dead in order to continue to live as they choose. We are living in the pit of hell.”

In Tucson, Arizona, pro-life activist Bob Pawson posted a photo to Facebook showing a completely full parking lot at the local Planned Parenthood abortion facility.
In Orange, California, it was business as usual at Planned Parenthood, where another pro-life activist Len Beckman posted a hand-made sign showing the number of babies killed at Planned Parenthood far exceeded the number of COVID-19 deaths world-wide.

“What we are seeing once again are abortion facilities acting as if they are above the same rules that the rest of us are expected to live by,” said Newman. “This is an inconsistency in the state and federal orders that are were instituted to stop the spread of COVID-19. Abortion facilities frequently fail to maintain basic infection control protocols, and should have been among the first to shut down.”
Take action!
Please contact your state’s governor and demand they shut down the abortion facilities in your state.
Click this link to locate contact information for all 50 governors.
Note: The date of the incident with Seabrooks has been corrected to Friday, March 20, 2020, and the caption under his photo has also been corrected.