By Cheryl Sullenger
Washington D.C. — For President Donald Trump to be able to advance his America First agenda in his second term, it is imperative that the Republican Party maintain or expand their control of the Senate.
Right now, there are 34 Senate seats up for grabs in November.
While polls are notoriously unreliable and weighted heavily in favor of Democrats, Real Clear Politics shows two Republican seats are in danger of being flipped by Democrats. Pro-Life Sen. Martha McSally (R-Arizona) is in a pitched battle with former astronaut and extreme liberal Mark Kelly. In Colorado, Sen. Corey Gardner – a nominal pro-lifer at best – is struggling to keep former governor and leftist Democrat John Hickenlooper at bay.
“If you live in Arizona, the choice is easy. We need Martha McSally back in the Senate to help President Trump advance his pro-life, pro-America agenda,” said Troy Newman, President of Operation Rescue. “In Colorado, pro-life supporters will have a harder time supporting Gardner, but at this point, we need every Republican Senate seat possible to maintain control of the Senate for President Trump.”
Six Republican seats are currently listed by Real Clear Politics as toss-ups. Those include seats now held by the following Republicans:
- In Georgia, GOP incumbent David Perdue has been a consistent pro-life vote. He is showing a very slim lead of pro-abortion Democrat challenger Jon Ossoff.
- Iowa’s GOP incumbent Joni Ernst, a pro-life warrior, is in a tough fight with pro-abortion Democrat Theresa Greenfield. As of this writing, RCP shows the Democrat up by 5 points.
- In Maine, GOP incumbent Susan Collins has been no friend of the pro-life movement, but she did cast the deciding vote to confirm Justice Brett Kavanaugh, which cost her politically with her pro-abortion supporters. Her seat is threatened by pro-abortion Democrat Sara Gideon.
- In Montana, GOP incumbent Steve Daines is a pro-life Trump supporter who is needed in the U.S. Senate. His pro-abortion Democrat challenger Steve Bullock has been eating away at Daines’ narrow lead in the polls. The liberals would very much like to flip this seat blue.
- North Carolina’s GOP incumbent Thom Tillis has been a strong pro-life supporter and Trump supporter. Democrats are working overtime for their pro-abortion candidate, Cal Cunningham, to unseat him.
- South Carolina’s GOP incumbent Lindsey Graham is Chairman of the powerful Judiciary Committee and has been instrumental in helping to confirm President Trump’s judicial nominees, including Brett Kavanaugh and now Amy Coney Barrett, who will face a confirmation hearing in Graham’s committee next week. He is in a literally toss-up race with pro-abortion Democrat challenger Jaime Harrison.
“The Democrats are desperately trying to take control of the Senate. If you want to see pro-life gains in President Trump’s second term, it is imperative that pro-life supporters, especially in the toss-up states, get to the polls and vote. If the Senate is lost, that will be the end of the President’s ability to continue the transformation of the judiciary – and it will be the end of any more Supreme Court confirmations, which will certainly be blocked by a Schumer-controlled Senate,” said Newman. “I cannot overstate just how important it is to vote pro-life in every Senate race.”
One Race Democrats Hope You Ignore

One important Senate race that has been essentially overlooked by the media has been the open seat vacated by the retirement of long-time GOP Sen. Pat Roberts of Kansas.
Challenging for Roberts’ seat are Congressman Roger Marshall, a pro-life physician who has been a proven reliable vote for the Trump agenda.
Marshall is up against Democrat physician Barbara Bollier, who is a radical supporter of abortion throughout all nine months of pregnancy. Bollier also supports the dangerous distribution of abortion-inducing drugs via the webcam telemedicine scheme.
Despite virtually no serious polling in this race, the seat has been considered a solidly Republican one. However, Operation Rescue believes that Bollier has a dramatic funding and public relations advantage over Marshall that has placed this seat in jeopardy.
“Kansans are predominately pro-life, and it will be up to the pro-life supporters in Kansas to thwart this underhanded attempt to take over this seat for the pro-abortion left. Operation Rescue fully supports and endorses Roger Marshall for U.S. Senate and urge Kansans to make sure they are registered and get to the polls to vote in person for President Trump and Roger Marshall.”
Dems’ Stealth Tactics in Kansas
Bollier, who defected from the Republican Party in 2018, supposedly over the GOP party’s plank that did not support special rights for transgender people.
She is running as a “moderate” in Kansas and her campaign flyers frequently list prominent Republicans that back her campaign. She has boasted of being an “elder” in her church and “leading with Christian values.”
“Bollier’s effort to portray herself as a ‘Christian values moderate’ is just her public relations persona. It is not who she really is. In reality, she is a leftist Democrat who will take her marching orders from Chuck Schumer and Planned Parenthood in Washington,” said Newman.

Kansans need to understand the Democratic tactic employed in this tight race. Democrat public relations firms in the past have polled Kansans to see what resonates with them on issues and language. Then they craft a campaign message that coincides with what Kansans want to hear. That deceptive tactic helped elect Democrat Laura Kelly as Kansas Governor in 2018.
Kelly’s campaign management team was led by Washington, D.C. elitist political consulting firm SKDKickerbocker. Polling the public in order to shape a candidate to fit the wish list of the electorate is a hallmark of their political campaigns.
SKDKickerbocker is currently an integral part of the presidential campaign of pro-abortion Democrats Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.
This expensive firm’s crisis management team was also hired by Planned Parenthood in 2015, to rehabilitate its public image after the release of undercover videos showing Planned Parenthood executives discussing the illegal sale of aborted baby body parts for profit.
Barbara Bollier’s campaign is using the same playbook to tell Kansans what they want to hear just so the Democrats can gain power.
Bollier is heavily financed by Emily’s list, a pro-abortion political action committee (PAC). In the last month, a Super PAC, Duty and Country, which is run by Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and his associates, has pledged to dump $7.5 million into TV and digital ads supporting Barbara Bollier from now until Election Day.
Bollier is also supported by other leftist companies, including Alphabet, Inc., the parent company for Google and YouTube, which have been notorious censors of conservative content on their platforms.
“This is essentially a stealth effort to flip the open Kansas Senate seat blue through the use of deceptive campaigning and a massive flood of money from radical leftist sources. They are hoping this race continues to fly under the radar as a ‘safe GOP seat’ while they throw everything but the kitchen sink at it,” said Newman. “This is a must-win seat we cannot take for granted or ignore. Kansans, please, get to the polls and vote for pro-life Roger Marshall for the U.S. Senate.”