Washington, DC — Priests for Life has been in court since 2012 challenging the Obamacare mandates that force religious organizations to pay for abortion and contraception through insurance premiums. This court battle is in defense of religious liberties that are under attack by Obamacare’s mandates, which order people of faith to violate their consciences by paying to end innocent life.
Last December, the District Court in Washington, DC, ruled against Priests for Life, which immediately filed an appeal to prevent the enforcement of this draconian ruling that threatens religious freedom in the United States.
On Thursday, May 8, 2014, the District of Columbia Circuit Court of Appeals will hear oral arguments in this crucially important case.
In support of the Priests for Life legal effort to protect religious organizations from the oppressive mandates of Obamacare, an “all-star” cast of speakers will be featured at a “Religious Rally for Freedom” to be held at 9 to 11am, at 333 Constitution Ave NW in Washington, DC.
“If Priests for Life wins this suit, it will secure liberty for all faith-based organizations that oppose the shedding of innocent blood on religious grounds,” said Troy Newman, President of Operation Rescue. “But if they lose, we all will fall under the oppressive mandate that forces us to violate our conscience and pay for procedures and drugs that kill the innocent. At that point, those of us who will not submit to this tyranny will face certain persecution. We pray it doesn’t come to that. Please join us in standing in solidarity with Priests for Life on May 8th.”
Some of the notable men and women who will be speaking at the Rally include Senator Ted Cruz of Texas; Congressman Tim Huelskamp of Kansas; Josh Duggar, Executive Director of the Family Research Council; Lila Rose, President of Live Action; Charmaine Yoest, President and CEO, Americans United for Life; Day Gardner, President of National Black Pro-Life Union; Sam Casey, Managing Director and General Counsel of the Law of Life Project; Rev. Rob Schenk, President of Faith and Action in the Nation’s Capital; Rev. Patrick Mahoney, President of Christian Defense Coalition.
Help us spread the word about the rally by joining with us for live tweeting with Father Frank, Bryan Kemper, Dr. Alveda King, Lila Rose and many more on May 8th from 9-11am using the #istandwithpfl hash tag and pray for PFL to be victorious in this case.
Religious Freedom at Stake in Obamacare Abortion, Contraception Mandate Appeal