Washington, DC – Yesterday, it was announced that the Graham-Cassidy Repeal and Replace Obamacare bill has been pulled due to three Republican defections, including Sen. John McCain of Arizona. That bill would have prevented over $500 million in tax dollars from going to Planned Parenthood, the largest abortion provider in the nation.
The withdrawal of the bill kills any hope of defunding Planned Parenthood of Federal tax money until next year.
“I am extremely disappointed in the Republican members of the U.S. Senate who could not band together to get this bill done. It angers me that we have to fund Planned Parenthood for another year. This means Planned Parenthood will have the resources it needs to continue its killing spree, and thousands of lives will be lost because of it,” said Troy Newman, President of Operation Rescue and Co-Founder of the Center for Medical Progress, which exposed Planned Parenthood’s participation in the illegal sale organs and tissue obtained from aborted babies.
Defunding Planned Parenthood was a high priority for the Trump administration, which promised to redirect funds from the abortion giant to legitimate health care providers that do not participate in abortions.
“This repeated incapacity to get the job done is completely unacceptable. I call on Mitch McConnell to resign from his position as Senate Majority Leader because of this leadership failure. Republicans must replace him with someone who can unite the majority and lead the Senate to accomplish President Trump’s agenda — and that includes saving innocent lives by defunding Planned Parenthood,” said Newman. “This kind of betrayal of innocent children must not happen again.”
Pro-Life Leader Calls for McConnell’s Resignation Over Senate Inability to Defund Planned Parenthood