By Sarah Neely

Sacramento, CA – This week, after eight years of prosecution, Center for Medical Progress undercover investigator Sandra Merritt negotiated a plea deal with the California Attorney General’s office. 

Agreeing to plead “No Contest” to one felony charge, Merritt will not pay any fines or serve any prison time for exposing Planned Parenthood’s horrific sale of baby body parts. Instead, she will serve one year probation, after which the charge will be completely expunged from her record.

Troy Newman, Co-founder of Center for Medical Progress (CMP) and President of Operation Rescue offers this statement:

After nearly a decade of relentless political persecution, Sandra Merritt, a courageous member of our team, has emerged victorious in her battle against the State of California and Kamala Harris. Merritt, a trusted undercover investigator whose work exposed Planned Parenthood’s ghastly trade in aborted baby body parts, was unjustly targeted with 16 felony charges—an unprecedented assault on investigative journalism.

Planned Parenthood’s actions are not just immoral—they are evil. These ghouls profit from the violent destruction of innocent lives and then desecrate those lives further by selling their body parts. This is an industry built on blood money; its depravity knows no bounds.

As co-founder of the Center for Medical Progress and President of Operation Rescue, I had the honor of working closely with Sandra during this investigation. Together, we devised strategies and executed a bold plan to reveal the horrifying depths of the abortion industry’s practices. Our work uncovered undeniable evidence of Planned Parenthood executives treating the remains of aborted babies as mere commodities, haggling over prices for tiny, bloodied arms and legs, and discussing ways to manipulate abortion methods to ensure more ‘sellable’ body parts.

The prosecution of CMP members that followed in California was nothing more than a political witch hunt, orchestrated by pro-abortion leaders to silence the truth. Instead of investigating Planned Parenthood’s criminal activities, state officials – including Kamala Harris and Xavier Becerra – colluded with the abortion industry to attack pro-life advocates like Sandra and me.

Despite these attacks, we stood firm. I took the Fifth Amendment, as advised by my brilliant legal team at the ACLJ, led by Jay Sekulow, to ensure our movement remained protected. Sandra’s resilience, combined with the unwavering support of Liberty Counsel, demonstrates the strength and determination of the pro-life cause.

Thanks to this plea deal, Sandra will face no prison time, no fines, and no lasting penalties. This is not just a legal victory – it’s a triumph for truth and justice. It proves that the pro-life movement cannot and will not be silenced.

This moment is a testament to what bold leadership and fearless advocacy can achieve. As President of Operation Rescue, I remain committed to leading the charge in exposing the abortion industry for what it is – a monstrous enterprise that profits from the destruction of life.

This victory should fuel our resolve. Planned Parenthood and their allies may wield immense power, but their actions are indefensible. The sale of the body parts of aborted babies is the very definition of evil. Planned Parenthood is a ghoul factory profiting from human tragedy, and the world must know the truth. 

Operation Rescue will never stop exposing their atrocities and fighting for justice for the unborn. Together, we will dismantle this industry of death and fight for a world where every life is valued and protected.

This report may be republished with inclusion of the following acknowledgement: “This article was originally published by Operation Rescue, a leading pro-life, Christian activist organization dedicated to exposing abortion abuses, demanding enforcement, saving innocent lives, and building an abortion-free America. The author, Sarah Neely, is Chief Operating Officer for Operation Rescue.”