31-Year-Old Woman Butchered at Chicago Clinic
By Ricardo Pinedo
Flossmoor, Illinois– Another woman became a victim of a “safe abortion procedure” at the Planned Parenthood clinic of Flossmoor, a suburb of Chicago. On October 15, 2024, a caller from this facility placed a 911 call requesting an ambulance to transport a woman to the emergency room.
The reason? Heavy bleeding – a common complication after failed surgical abortions. The most likely cause of this type of heavy bleeding is perforation of the uterus. Another possible cause is lacerations of the cervix. Either way, it is the sharp, pointed abortion instruments that cause a uterine puncture or lacerated cervix. Additionally, this is certainly not the first time this sort of emergency has happened at this Planned Parenthood location. A substantial number have been witnessed by pro-life sidewalk counselors and documented by Operation Rescue.
Meanwhile abortion proponents and civil authorities alike seem to look aside and ignore the evident truth that Operation Rescue and other pro-lifers have been reporting time after time. There is no safe abortion. Day by day, week by week, year after year, the number of women hurt by abortion climbs. Women who look for these procedures are playing Russian roulette and – more often than they think – they become victims and sometimes lose their lives.
After reporting the emergency to 911, the caller stated that the doctor could control the bleeding, and, therefore, the ambulance was not necessary anymore. The dispatcher responded saying that the paramedics had already been dispatched and they would assess the situation once there. This raises the question of whether the clinic staff was trying to temporarily stabilize the patient and send her to the hospital by other means –instead of using a 911 ambulance service that leaves a public record of the severe injury.
The ultimate condition of this woman remains unclear. From the CAD report, it appears that Planned Parenthood staff refused to allow paramedics to assess the woman when the ambulance arrived. Whether staff later sent her to the emergency room in a private vehicle or she received some other form of urgent care is also unknown. However, Operation Rescue will keep reporting on these malpractice cases and emergencies in order to expose the abortion cartel and its lethal greed.
Unfortunately, in states like Illinois, the authorities stubbornly insist that abortion is “healthcare” and “a woman’s right,” often ignoring the gravity of these emergencies. Some authorities seem to attempt to cover up abortion clinics’ malpractice by developing what sounds like code language, then declining to ask necessary routine questions, and hiding details – often sounding like an “Uber” service.
“It is absolutely necessary to expose the truth about abortion!” said Troy Newman, President of Operation Rescue. “No matter what others say, we have proof that abortion consistently harms women and certainly is not healthcare.
“This can be difficult work, especially when authorities don’t want to address this problem or call it what it really is: a dangerous procedure that murders children and puts women’s lives at risk.
“We need the help of all pro-lifers who witness emergencies like this. They can email or call us to report these injuries. We will find any and all public records available in order to bring forth the truth.”
This report may be republished with inclusion of the following acknowledgement: “This article was originally published by Operation Rescue, a leading pro-life, Christian activist organization dedicated to exposing abortion abuses, demanding enforcement, saving innocent lives, and building an abortion-free America. The author, Ricardo Pinedo, writes for Operation Rescue.”
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