By Cheryl Sullenger
Annapolis, Maryland — A woman was transported by ambulance to a nearby hospital emergency room after suffering chest pains with sweats at the Annapolis Planned Parenthood abortion facility in Annapolis, Maryland.
An ambulance crew and fire unit were dispatched to render aid on February 24, 2020. The incident was classified as a “Priority 2” emergency, which signifies a serious, but not immediately life-threatening condition.
A heavily redacted Computer Aided Dispatch printout (CAD) confirmed details about the emergency response. Operation Rescue’s request for the audio recording of the call was denied by Ann Arundel County authorities.
The Annapolis Planned Parenthood failed its initial licensing inspection in 2013, and has not undergone an abortion facility inspection in five years. A complaint investigation in 2016, which was done without an inspection, was closed without action.
Other medical emergencies at this abortion facility included two in 2016. On October 4, 2016, a hemorrhaging abortion patient transported by ambulance for emergency hospital care. In January of that year, a female patient was transported by ambulance, but a heavily redacted CAD concealed the nature of the emergency.
“Without an inspection in the past five years, the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene has no idea whether this abortion facility meets licensing safety standards or not. The medical emergency there in February indicates it might not,” said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. “This represents a regulatory failure that is placing women in danger.”
Read more documents related to the Annapolis Planned Parenthood at AbortionDocs.org.
Learn more about medical emergencies at abortion facilities around the nation at Abortion911.com.