For decades, pro-life supporters have dreamed of seeing abortionists on trial. Today, Operation Rescue is hard at work making sure every abortionist has his or her day in court.
Currently, abortionists all over the country are facing hearings in the coming weeks with state disciplinary boards and criminal courts. Below are a few important cases to watch.
While we are encouraged by the recent trend in several states to finally enforce the abortion laws on the books, we know that this is only a beginning.
“In all our years of studying the abortion cartel and working to expose their misdeeds, we have never found an abortion clinic that complies with all the laws they should,” said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. “Abortionists are out there right now endangering the lives of women and wrongfully or illegally taking the lives of innocent pre-born babies that laws have been enacted to protect, yet there is so little accountability that abortion clinics openly operate as if the laws do not exist. That is why we investigate, expose wrongdoing, report it, and demand enforcement.”
As part of Operation Rescue’s continuing investigations of abortionists and their businesses across the nation, we seek information from the public that can ensure that women and their babies are protected from shoddy, predatory, and illegal abortion practices that are practiced as a matter of routine by the abortion cartel.
Operation Rescue is offering a $25,000 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of abortionists who are breaking the law.
Learn more about the Abortion Whistleblowers Reward Program.
Important upcoming cases to watch:

Ann Kristin Neuhaus, Kansas: Based on a complaint originally filed in 2006 by an Operation Rescue staff member, Neuhaus faces 11 counts of providing illegal late-term abortion referrals without having properly evaluated patients. She faces a formal hearing before the Kansas State Board of Healing Arts on September 12-15, 2011, in Topeka. (Read more about this.)
The “Texas Ten”: Earlier this year, Operation Rescue conducted a 3-month investigation into Texas abortion clinics and discovered violations at every abortion clinic that was investigated. As a result 10 abortionists now face hearings to try the facts in the allegations. If the abortionists are found to have committed the violations, the Board will determine what disciplinary action is appropriate. The cases of all ten abortionists will be heard on October 28, 2011, in Austin. (Read more about this.)
Planned Parenthood’s 107 Criminal Charges: These 2007 charges allege illegal late-term abortions and manufacturing evidence to cover up crimes. Operation Rescue helped convene a grand jury to investigate and has called for the case to move forward while it was was tied up in the KS Supreme Court for years. Now, the abortion giant will face an important Preliminary Hearing where testimony will be heard on October 24-26, 2011, in Olathe, Kansas. (Read more about this.)

Steven Chase Brigham, New Jersey: Brigham is a notoriously bad abortionist who has been run out of several states due to his shoddy abortion practices. Last August, Brigham was caught illegally starting late-term abortions in New Jersey then transporting women to a “secret late-term abortion clinic” in Elkton, Maryland, where their abortions would be completed. Operation Rescue obtained open record documents and released shocking details of Brigham’s illegal activities to the public. Brigham’s last remaining medical license is currently suspended and his is not allowed to practice medicine anywhere. A formal hearing on his final license revocation has not been set. (Read more about this.)
Nicola I. Riley, Maryland: Riley was an employee of Brigham’s who conducted late-term abortion at Brigham’s Maryland offices, including the now infamous “Secret late-term abortion clinic” in Elkton. Operation Rescue conducted its own investigation into Riley’s background and discovered through open records that Riley had a criminal background and that she had lied about it to authorities in Utah, Wyoming, and Maryland. Operation Rescue submitted that information to all three states. Wyoming forced Riley to surrender her medical license. Maryland has formally charged Riley with the illegal late-term abortions and lying to the Board to gain licensure. Utah has restricted Riley from doing abortions and awaits the outcome of the Maryland charges before taking further action. No formal hearing date in Maryland has been set. (Read more about this.)

Kermit Gosnell, et. al., Pennsylvania: Philadelphia’s District Attorney shocked the nation after releasing a 281-page grand jury report that supported dozens of criminal charges against Gosnell and eight members of his abortion clinic staff and issued a strong rebuke to medical board authorities who refused to investigate him. Gosnell faces one count of second degree murder for the death of late-term abortion patient, Karnamaya Mongar, and seven counts of first-degree murder for killing infants born alive by stabbing them in the neck with scissors. Operation Rescue was the first to publish photos of his murder victims online. Gosnell and his co-defendants also face numerous other charges related to illegal drugs, racketeering, and corruption. He is scheduled for a motions hearing on September 8, 2011, in Philadelphia. (Read more about this.)