Operation Rescue® is a leading Christian activist organization dedicated to saving innocent, preborn babies by utilizing investigative techniques to expose deceit, neglect, and abuse within the abortion cartel, while demanding enforcement of state and federal standards and statutes.

We aim to create an abortion-free America.

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Joe Scheidler

“The pro-life movement needs a lot more people like Troy Newman. His deep compassion for the helpless unborn, combined with his innovative strategies, springs from his strong personal integrity and the kind of moral courage it takes to fight a thankless battle day after day. Troy feels keenly the gross injustice of abortion, not only against the child, but also against women who have been offered this ‘right’ instead of being given the love and care they crave. Whenever I need a shot in the arm and some encouragement in this lonely battle, I give Troy a call. He always gives me a lift. I am proud to have Troy as a fellow colleague in this ongoing battle for life.”

Founder, Pro-Life Action League

Leslee Unruh

“Troy Newman is a Hero to me and unborn children. He has been a great friend to South Dakota and a great support to me personally.”

President, Abstinence Clearinghouse

Fr. Frank Pavone

“When I think of the goal of ending abortion, one of the people who comes foremost to my mind is Troy Newman. I have known him and his work for many years. He knows how to expose the vulnerabilities of the abortion industry, and how to leverage our strengths against their weaknesses. He is routing the enemy in many ways. I praise the Lord for what Troy and his collaborators have been able to accomplish!” National Director, Priests For Life www.priestsforlife.org

Jack Cashill

“Troy Newman is a guy with a lot of talent who has invested it well and wisely in the highest moral calling of our time.” Writer/Producer www.cashill.com

Eileen Smith

“One of the greatest warriors in the Pro-LIFE movement.” Mother of Laura Hope Smith, who helped put the abortionist that killed her daughter out of business

Mike McHugh

“Troy Newman is one of those rare pro-life activists that have stayed the course. Babies are still being saved. Mothers and fathers are still being ministered to while Troy holds the abortion industry accountable. Troy has also maintained his integrity and compassion throughout his many years of pro-life activism. It is a privilege to support him.”

Former Vermont Operation Rescue Leader

Rob Schenck

“Troy Newman is an outstanding guy. He’s smart, he cares about people and he’s passionate about his cause. I’m blessed to know him and work with him.”

President, National Clergy Council, Washington, DC

Dr. Monica Migliorino Miller

“God bless you Troy and all those with Operation Rescue.”

Director of Citizens for a Pro-life Society

Day Gardner

“Thank you Troy — for your sincere heart, dedication and love for the children ruthlessly killed by abortion. May GOD continue to bless you and your efforts!”

President, National Black Pro-Life Union

Janet Reno

“Thank God for free speech!”

Attorney General Janet Reno, speaking to a crowd as Troy Newman was being dragged out of the auditorium for challenging Janet Reno on her pro-abortion policies.

Janet L. (Folger) Porter

“Thank God for free speech!”

President, Faith2Action

John Regan

“No one has had the courage that you have. No one! You are a born leader!” President Palm Beach County Right to Life League

Pastor Keith Tucci

“Everybody knows we can’t rely on the media to show and tell the truth. The Truth Truck is a world-class media-beater. Troy Newman and his team not only have developed a great tactic, but commitment to go along with it. I have personally witnessed the Truth Truck in operation and seen the hearts and minds of people changed. Thanks Troy! Keep showing and telling the truth!”

Former Director of Operation Rescue National

Eric J. Scheidler

“Troy Newman is one of the pro-life movement’s most tireless and creative leaders. All across the country, Troy is saving babies and making it harder and harder for the abortionists to stay in business. I am personally inspired by Troy’s integrity and dedication, and I’m honored to call him my colleague and friend.” Director, Pro-Life Action League prolifeaction.org

Lori Vance, LPN

“Having worked and prayed alongside Troy Newman of Operation Rescue, I can say without reservation that he feels the pain and loss of these precious pre-born babies deep within his heart.”

Founder of Joy Ministries

Dr. Al Howard

“Troy Newman is one of the finest young men I have known in my lifetime. He has a genuine love for people, a mandate for the unborn from God and an unwavering commitment to that call. I believe he is one of the great pro-life leaders in America today. Operation Rescue is blessed to have his leadership and Wichita is blessed to have him in their city.”

Former Operation Rescue California Director

Wendy Wright

“The laser-beam focus, creative methods, and absolute dedication of Troy Newman and Operation Rescue have set a high standard for the pro-life activist movement to follow.”

Former President, Concerned Women of America

Judy Smith

“Kudos to the job you guys are doing in exposing the darkness to the people of Kansas! I am glad that ‘Goliath’ is feeling the threat because it is about time.” Director of Concerned Women for America of Kansas

Norma McCorvey

“Operation Rescue and Troy Newman are the wrecking ball of truth poised to annihilate Roe v. Wade’s infrastructure. I give my full and unwavering support toward Mr. Newman’s noble effort. I am certain that Operation Rescue, and its accomplished leadership team has what it takes to bring home victory for the innocent.” Former Roe of Roe vs. Wade

Rev. Dr. Dan Schmucker

“I have known Troy Newman for well over a decade, and trust him. The timing of the attacks against him is a curiosity. Operation Rescue is doing a great job. Keep the Faith.”

Jill Stanek

“Troy and OR are an inspiration to me. Their tenacity while maintaining upbeat spirits are a real encouragement to me. They are showing how dedication and focus can make a positive difference in our fight
against abortion.”

Susan B. Anthony List

Mark Crutcher

“Troy Newman and Operation Rescue are delivering pulse-pounding pro-life solutions that work. Life Dynamics is proud to partner with Troy Newman and are proud to support his efforts for life.”

President, Life Dynamics

Dick Bott

“Well, anyway, Troy Newman, I want to thank you for being with us. You have absolutely been a leader to bring these things forward. There’s a lot of pro-life people, there’s a lot of pro-life organizations – God bless each and every one – but somebody has to have the courage to step out front. And I personally want to thank you, Troy Newman, for being that person who seems to be there with the evidence, with the story, and standing sometimes in the gap where no one else is either able to or will.” President, BOTT RADIO NETWORK www.bottradionetwork.com (listen live!)

Jenny Hodges

“Troy’s unswerving devotion to attacking and undermining the prenatal murder industry through every channel possible is a shining example to all of us. It is an honor to fight in the trenches with such a leader.” National Director of ProLife Unity www.prolifeunity.com

Charles B. Lowers

“When others had abandoned the babies in search of vain glory or riches, Troy Newman took up the standard and has lived a life of service to the least among us.” Considering Homeschooling www.consideringhomeschooling.com

Jack Ames

“It’s easy to talk about the evil of abortion. Troy Newman does much more than talk. He has brought the ABORTION INDUSRY to its knees in his adopted home town of Wichita, Kansas. If PRO-LIFE groups want to end abortion instead of just talking about ending it, they should model themselves after Troy Newman, a true American hero!” Director and Founder Defend Life www.defendlife.org

Gregg Cunningham

“Troy has worked his heart out for the unborn” Director, Center For Bioethical Reform abortionno.com

Dr. Gary Cass

“Troy Newman has reconstituted Operation Rescue into one of the most respected and impactful pro-life organizations in America.” Former President of Reclaiming America

Jeff White

“Troy Newman has many gifts and has used them well to be a thorn in the side of the abortion industry. Through our many years of service together, I have witnessed first hand his passion and determination to stay the course until abortion is defeated.” Former Director, Operation Rescue of California Former National Tactical Director, Operation Rescue Advisor to the Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust survivors.la

Bryan Kemper

“Jeff White and Troy Newman were men of God who spoke into my life and helped give me the courage and passion to stand up for Christ and pre-born babies. They were true leaders at Operation Rescue and they stood by us as we were establishing the youth pro-life movement.” President, Stand True Ministries www.standtrue.com

Sue (Finn) Cyr

“Troy has paid a great price to walk the narrow road as a dedicated disciple of Christ, tirelessly pouring out his heart for the unborn and their moms. Reading Troy’s book, Their Blood Cries Out, motivated me to get back on the streets after a sabbatical of having my own children, and the first day out, with the grace of God, I helped save the life of a 17 week old unborn child. His mother told me she lost count of how many abortions she had in the past, but was so excited to have her first little baby born alive. Brandon is now 3 years old and a precious little boy. Thanks Troy, for encouraging new pro-lifers, and old pro-lifers, to continue on strong in the battle. You’re always an encouragement to me, motivate me, and I thank God for your perseverance!! Keep up the fight. You’re in my prayers.” Former Media Spokeswoman for Operation Rescue

Larry Donlan

“I have known Troy Newman for a number of years now. I consider him both friend and mentor. Partly due to his eloquence and natural charm, Troy is a leader of leaders in the battle to restore legal protection to the preborn. When that battle is finally won, and the history books are written, Troy Newman’s name will be remembered alongside William Wilberforce, as a key social reformer of his day.” Rescue The Heartland

Chris Slattery

“I have worked with Troy and Cheryl at OR on a number of front-line pro-life projects in four states, and have been extremely impressed with their outstanding, creative and effective pro-life leadership in exposing corrupt pro-abort politicians, and working as hard as anyone in shutting down abortion mills. They have been very supportive of our work in NYC, and helped us launch our free mobile ultrasound program in the South Bronx. I consider them good friends, and wish them all the best in their current campaigns.”

Founder & President, Expectant Mother Care-EMC FrontLine Pregnancy Centers

Bob Pawson ~ Rescuer “Baby Doe #1362” Atlanta-1988

“OPERATION RESCUE is a three-fold cord (Eccl. 4:12) woven through the entire tapestry of the Pro-Life Movement. Thanks to Operation Rescue’s faithful stewardship, service, and inspiration: disparate parts of the Pro-Life Movement stand — and stand together. ‘Therefore, put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.’ Ephesians 6:13.”

National Coordinator, PLEAS
Pro-Life Educators And Students


Peter Shinn

Troy has a consistent focus on opposing abortion in many ways, some of which include educating the public through his Truth Trucks, providing information services, direct challenges to George Tiller in Kansas and battling abortion laws around the country. Troy has said to me and has demonstrated by example that he will not concern himself with issues that distract from our united efforts of ending abortion and opposing the culture of death.” President – Pro-Life Unity and the Monthly Call For Life www.monthlycallforlife.com

Steve Wetzel

“Thank you Troy for all the great work you are doing. I first met Troy Newman at the American Life League convention in Tampa, FL. in 1997 or 1998 I was the head of security for the event. What impressed me the most was his having no problem being shoved to the very end of the vendor area (a remote area) because he had pictures of what an abortion looked like. Also, he went out of his way to find the local abortion clinics in Tampa, so he could spend Saturday morning helping rescue unborn babies. That showed me the heart of the man we know as Troy Newman. “Troy did not have a problem when myself and Josiah (a former Lamb of Christ) took one his 4X5′ abortion pics, and plastered it by the only escalator leading to the 2nd floor (for another event) of the convention center. The line was backed up out the door, and literally thousands of people from the Tampa Bay area got an up-close and personal look at what abortion is. Joe Schieldler was there, and gave a nodding approval at what we had done. “Reactions ranged from tears to disgust to anger. It remained in place for two hours, until the head of security for the convention ripped it down. Though Troy’s poster was destroyed, he did not care, as people got an up close look at what abortion is. That is the manner of the man I know as Troy Newman. God bless you my brother.” Missionaries To The Unborn mttu.com

Mark S. Gietzen

“Troy Newman is by far the most effective leader that Operation Rescue has ever had, and one of the most effective leaders in the entire proLife movement worldwide. Troy has shown a wonderful willingness to work with all other proLife groups, who are actually fighting abortion, and he works well with proLife people of all Faiths and backgrounds. “It is in large part, due to Troy’s help, that the Kansas Coalition for Life has been so successful in our daily presence at the gate of the worst Abortion Facility in America, the Tiller Late-term Abortion Facility here in Wichita, where we have documented 354 saves so far. Without Troy’s help, and that of his top manager, Cheryl Sullenger, I fear that this number would be half of what it is today! “Troy is one of the most honorable and courageous people I know. I consider him a true and loyal friend.” Chairman of The Kansas Coalition for Life www.kcfl.net

Steve Ertelt

Until the day comes when Roe v. Wade is overturned and the opportunity exists to protect unborn children under law, the pro-life movement needs organizations like Operation Rescue that are willing to hold the abortion industry accountable.
We can stop abortions, put abortion practitioners out of business, and protect women and unborn children today. We can do that by taking the simple action of ensuring abortion practitioners follow state health and safety standards and urging state and local officials to prosecute them to the fullest extent of the law when they don’t. Operation Rescue, led by Troy Newman, is at the forefront of that effort.
Their work has proven that we can stop abortions peacefully and legally and OR is a crucial member of the national and international pro-life team.

LifeNews.com Editor

What Print Media says about Troy Newman
“Plays hardball” – LA Times
“… a leading pro-life group.” – LifeNews.com
”Operation Rescue President Troy Newman has fought to expose the atrocities committed by Tiller” – LifesiteNews.com
“San Diego’s most upfront opposition to abortion.” – San Diego Union-Tribune
“Troy Newman is one of the leading pro- life activists of the USA which fight for the right to life beginning the moment of conception.” – Brigitte Magazine (Germany), October 13, 2004
“Operation Rescue chief Troy Newman has aggressively – and successfully – sought to reduce access to abortion in the U.S.” – Chicago Tribune, June 10 2008
“He’s not a loose cannon like Operation Rescue founder Randall Terry.” – Rolling Stone Magazine
“One of the nation’s most prominent anti-abortion activists.” – Rolling Stone Magazine
“Staunchly anti-abortion” – Lawrence Journal World
Proud to be iconicized and “headcut” by the Wall Street Journal, 7/14/2008