For Immediate Release
Contact Troy Newman: 316-841-1700
Washington, DC – Operation Rescue was saddened to learn over the weekend that Justice Antonin Scalia has died. His passing will leave an irreplaceable gap in the court and has silenced one of the boldest conservative legal voices of our generation.
Operation Rescue extends its deepest sympathies and prayers for the Scalia family.
Scalia’s death has posed an opportunity for Pres. Barack Obama to appoint a replacement for Scalia in this critical election year that would dramatically reshape the Court in a way that would continue protect abortion while threatening precious American freedoms.
Operation Rescue is urging the Senate to allow the next president to make that appointment.
“With the passing of the esteemed Justice Scalia, America stands at a crossroads. Will she choose the path of fascism or freedom? We are just one Obama appointee away from a totalitarian government. Two years ago, the GOP promised the American people that, if elected, they would thwart Obama’s radical leftist agenda. This is the GOP’s moment. Will it shine as a light for liberty in this dark moment or will that light be extinguished by political appeasement?” asked Operation Rescue President Troy Newman.
Now, disturbing conflicting reports have surfaced concerning Justice Scalia’s sudden and unexpected death with no autopsy planned.
Operation Rescue calls for a full inquiry into Scalia’s death and respectfully requests that an autopsy be performed in order to put to rest unanswered questions regarding his passing.
Operation Rescue Challenges the Senate after the Passing of Justice Antonin Scalia