By Cheryl Sullenger
Washington, D.C – Operation Rescue has joined with the Susan B. Anthony List and 60 other pro-life groups in calling for Congress to protect the Hyde Amendment, which prevents Federal tax dollars from paying for abortions.
The groups sent a joint letter today to Congressional Leadership asking them to include the Hyde Amendment and other pro-life riders in the Biden budget, which is expected on Friday, May 27, 2021. Currently, none of the pro-life riders are expected to be included in the budget.
“We are asking Congress to do the right thing and respect the long-standing policies that prohibit American tax-payers from funding abortions against their wills and their consciences,” said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. “The people of America do not approve of their tax dollars funding abortion. The Biden-Harris Administration is completely out of touch with the American people on this matter.”
Polling has shown that 77 percent of Americans do not approve of tax-funding of abortions.
In the first four months of the Biden-Harris Administration, it has already proven to be the most pro-abortion administration in U.S. history. It has undone almost every provision put in place by the Trump Administration, whose policies protected innocent human life and denied tax-funding to abortion organizations worldwide.
Operation Rescue urges pro-life supporters to contact their Congressmen and urge them to include the Hyde Amendment and other pro-life protections in the upcoming budget.