By Anne Reed
UPDATE: Ohio Citizens Passed Issue 1 Tuesday, November 7
An employee of Women’s Med Center of Dayton (WMCD) in Ohio called 911 on October 25, at about 1:40 p.m., to report that a 33-year-old woman needed transport to a nearby hospital for emergency medical intervention.
When the dispatcher asked her “exactly what happened,” the caller responded by saying, “It was a complicated procedure.” The dispatcher was obviously not satisfied with the inadequate response, nor should she have been. After all, she had a job to do, and a woman’s life was possibly hanging in the balance.
The dispatcher inquired further, “Do you have any more information so I can update our crews responding?”
The caller informed someone nearby that the dispatcher needed “more explanation than that.”
She then notified the dispatcher, “They said bleeding.” She went on to say the woman was bleeding from the cervix as a result of “a medical procedure.” But no information was communicated concerning the severity of the bleeding. The incident report reflects the limited explanation provided by the employee.
It has become obvious that the employees of WMCD have been instructed to use evasive language to conceal the gravity of their botched abortions. In the past, a pattern was established of requesting “urgent but not emergent” transport by ambulance.
This facility also has a habit of requesting silent approach (no sirens), creating a perceived lack of urgency and travel method that would slow the arrival of emergency medical personnel to the scene.
WMCD abortionist Catherine Romanos made a 911 call herself last year stating she was requesting a “non-emergent ambulance transfer to Miami Valley Hospital.” She is accustomed to women experiencing dangerous complications, as evidenced by Operation Rescue’s extensive documentation. (Click HERE and then scroll down to “Documented Deaths or Serious Injury” in the column to the right.)
Though the abortion cartel and the media are as quiet as the ambulances utilizing a ‘silent approach’ in these cases, countless women have died in this nation from abortion complications. (See Operation Rescue’s archive of abortion related maternal deaths.) Keep in mind that this extensive list is only a small representation of the actual number of women killed by abortion complications and injuries.
Operation Rescue is pleased to partner with Created Equal in Ohio to inform Ohio voters of the dangers of Issue 1.
“Abortionists do not care about women,” said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. “If they did, they would be forthright with 911 dispatchers about the nature of injuries so that EMS providers are properly informed and prepared to provide life-saving treatment.”
This is exactly why Ohio citizens must vote NO on ISSUE 1 tomorrow!
“If Issue 1 passes, late-term babies will be violently killed and more women will be injured and killed because of these reckless, uncaring abortionists,” said Newman. “This is just one example in a long documented history of injuries and cover-ups that clearly demonstrate these abortion businesses care far more about their blood money and protecting their reputations than saving human lives.”
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