By Cheryl Sullenger
Eastpoint, MI – A woman’s uterus was torn during a botched late-term Dilation and Evacuation dismemberment abortion on July 23, 2021, at Eastside Women’s Clinic, in Eastpointe, Michigan, according to 911 records provided to Operation Rescue.
But despite the life-threatening injury, the clinic employee who dialed 911 for an ambulance did not consider the situation an emergency.
This caused the ambulance to run without lights or sirens, which likely delaying emergency care.
The call to 911 lasted only a minute, but was revealing of the dangers of conducting risky late-term abortions and ill-equipped outpatient facilities.
911: What’s going on there?
EWC: Um – Doc tried to perform a D&E on a patient and he believes her uterus was perforated so therefore, we have to transfer her to a hospital so she can get taken care of.
A D&E is an abortion procedure is usually done after 14 weeks of pregnancy. It involves dismembering the baby in the womb and removing the body in pieces. It can involve two to three days, depending on the size of the baby.

Despite not being able to handle an expected abortion complication such as a perforated uterus, the Eastland Women’s Clinic conducts abortions up to 24 weeks, or through the sixth month of pregnancy, according to its website.
Handling such an emergency as “non-emergent” could place a woman’s life at risk.
Yet, at the end of the call, the Eastside Women’s Clinic caller even admits the injured woman’s condition could deteriorate rapidly.
911: It is emergent or non-emergent?
EWC: Um, as of right now non-emergent, but if she starts bleeding into her abdomen, it could become an emergency pretty fast.
A fire unit was dispatched, but the woman was later transported to an unstated hospital by a “non-fire unit” from MedStar, a company that contracts with communities to provide 911 services.

Bad reputation
The Eastside Women’s Clinic, which has a dubious reputation, is owned and operated by abortionist Angel Ojeda, who was disciplined in 2017, for not reporting the theft of drugs by his former employee Michael Roth, including 82 vials of the controlled substance Fentanyl.
Roth, who became known as the “Trunk Abortionist,” was caught in 2015 using the Fentanyl and other supplies from the Eastland Women’s Clinic to conduct dangerous and illegal abortions on women in their homes. His home abortion scheme was discovered after Roth was involved in a traffic accident, after which police discovered 14 plastic tubs containing what appeared to be the bodies of aborted babies. Roth lost his Michigan medical license over the scheme and was fined $25,000. He later pled “no contest” to criminal charges and received leniency after suffering a stroke.
Operation Rescue has documented several medical emergencies at the Eastland Women’s Clinic, including an incident last year in which a woman received an overdose of opiod sedatives that left her unconscious. Despite the use of Narcan to counteract the drugs, the woman remained unresponsive and was later rushed to a hospital emergency room for legitimate medical care.
“The July emergency involving the perforated uterus illustrates how abortionists place their own interests ahead of the lives and health of the women they purport to serve,” said Troy Newman, President of Operation Rescue. “Given all that has happened there, it is scandalous that Ojeda is allowed to continue operating his dangerous abortion mill.”