Updated on June 9, 2006
There have been nine states that actively have persued abortion bans during the current legislative session. Below are links to the texts of these bills. Also there has been one state that is attempting to change the state constitution to ban abortion through the initiative process.
House Bill 1215
Signed into law. Pro-abort groups have submitted petitions to put the abortion ban to a vote of the people. Signatures have yet to be verified.

Senate Bill 2922
SB 2922 As Amended
This bill was killed after several added exceptions watered it down and made it bad law.
House Bill 228
After a long delay, this bill will finally get a committee hearing on June 13, 2006. Testimony will be heard.
House Bill 93
This bill is stalled in the Georgia State House of Representatives.
House Bill 489
This bill failed to pass.
House Bill 3213
This bill easily passed the House last year with a vote of 91 to 10, but has since been stallen in a Senate sub-comittee.
Senate Bill 111
This bill is stalled in the South Carolina Senate.
Senate Bill 1248
This abortion ban is stalled since March, 2006, in the Senate Commerce, Energy, and the Environment Committee.
Senate Joint Resolution 127
This bill would have amended the State Consitiution if it had been successful.
House Bill 1096
This bill failed to pass out of committee.
Pro-lifers are gathering signatures to amend the State Constitution to provide the legal protections of personhood to the pre-born through the initiative process.