Meanwhile, StemExpress drops its suit against the Center for Medical Progress
By Cheryl Sullenger
Washington, DC – The Daily Caller has reported this morning that the same “opposition research group” that was behind the fake intelligence report that made contrived allegations against President-Elect Donald J. Trump, is the same “shady outfit” hired by Planned Parenthood to issue a report saying the Center for Medical Progress videos were “doctored.”
But Planned Parenthood did not reveal that the Washington D.C.-based Fusion GPS that came up with those findings was really an opposition research group. Instead, Planned Parenthood portrayed the Fusion GPS “dirty-tricks” group as one that had “expertise” in forensic analysis.
Fusion GPS makes no claims to expertise in forensic analysis on their own suspicious two-paragraph website.
Those allegations against Trump were found to be completely fictitious. Trump took news organizations Buzzfeed and CNN to task yesterday for publishing the unfounded accusations, and issued a strong rebuke to them for propagating “fake news.”
“The Daily Caller’s investigative report has completely discredited the Fusion GPS findings concerning the Center for Medical Progress videos depicting Planned Parenthood officials haggling over the price of aborted baby parts. Fusion GPS was hired to lied about Donald Trump, and they were hired to lie about the Center for Medical Progress,” said Troy Newman, President of Operation Rescue, who also served as a founding board member for the CMP. “Planned Parenthood’s claim that the videos were manipulated was nothing but fake news.”
An independent forensic analysis was conducted by Coalfire Systems Inc. for the legal group Alliance Defending Freedom. It indicated that the video and audio files contained in the full-length CMP videos had not been altered, but had been edited to remove such footage as bathroom breaks and car travel to the locations where the investigations took place.
In a related development, an organ procurement company, StemExpress, which was featured in the CMP videos partnering with Planned Parenthood to purchase aborted baby organs and tissue for resale, has withdrawn its lawsuit against the Center for Medical Progress.
This comes in the wake of numerous criminal referrals against StemExpress by the House Select Investigative Panel on Infant Lives and the Senate Judiciary Committee.
“StemExpress has found itself in a world of trouble and now the truth is coming out about the deception and lies that were used to discredit the CMP and protect Planned Parenthood. This is very encouraging news,” said Newman.
However, Planned Parenthood and the National Abortion Federation filed separate suits in a San Francisco federal Court against the CMP and named Newman as a defendant in both those actions. Newman and his team of attorneys with the American Center for Law and Justice continue to actively defend against those suits, which Operation Rescue considers just as baseless as the StemExpress suit.
“Now that the mask is being torn off the lies of Planned Parenthood and StemExpress, the tide may finally be turning our way,” said Newman.
Read the full Daily Caller report
News Report Reveals Fake News/Dirty Tricks Group Worked for Planned Parenthood