Melbourne, Australia – Operation Rescue President Troy Newman remains under detention after the Ministry of Immigration cancelled his visa based on a spurious letter from a Member of Parliament that was filled with misinformation and false allegations that he supported violence against abortion providers.
Newman has never advocated violence but has only encouraged peaceful, law-abiding activism to end abortion. However, Newman’s true position was never considered or even sought before the decision was made to cancel his visa.
A hearing has already been held before a judge, who ordered that Newman remain in detention for another 24 hours while the issue of his visa was looked into further.
Newman’s wife, Mellissa accompanied her husband to Melbourne with a valid visa. She was essentially turned out into the airport alone and with no luggage while Newman was taken into custody. She has connected with members of Australia Right to Life, who was sponsoring Newman’s speaking tour, and is receiving help and support from them.
Newman was scheduled to speak at numerous venues in Australia about the videos released by the Center for Medical Progress that exposed Planned Parenthood’s participation in the illegal sale of aborted baby remains for profit, where he serves as a Board Member. Ironically, he was also planning to share about how activists can work peacefully within the governmental system to expose abortion abuses and bring abortionists who are breaking the law to justice.
Now Newman’s plight is making international headlines. In Australia, the phrase “Troy Newman” is trending high on
“If the abortion lobby in Australia thought they were going to silence the pro-life message, their dubious actions have only brought greater attention to it,” said Cheryl Sullenger, Senior Policy Advisor for Operation Rescue.
Newman recorded a video of United Airlines employees blocking him from traveling from Denver to Los Angles on the order of the Australian government. The video of the incident posted to Newman’s Facebook page has garnered nearly 480,000 views while a YouTube version has over 12,000 views.
Operation Rescue requests that everyone please keep praying and using social media to counter the untruths being spread about Newman by abortion supporters.
Below are links to some of news stories posting around the world:
US anti-abortion activist Troy Newman wins 24-hour reprieve from deportation. – The Guardian — Worldwide
Troy Newman, Head of Anti-Abortion Group, Is Held in Australia Over Canceled Visa – The New York Times – U.S.
ABC 7:30 News (VIDEO) – Melbourne, Australia
American anti-abortion activist Troy Newman detained at Melbourne Airport after travelling to Australia despite his visa being cancelled. —The Daily Mail – United Kingdom
Australia detains pro-life leader on ‘false accusations’ – — U.S.
Newman’s Detention in Australia Due to False Accusations Makes International News