Washington, DC – A letter sent Thursday from the Department of Justice to Sen. Chuck Grassley, Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, confirms that Planned Parenthood is indeed under investigation of criminal acts committed in the sale of aborted baby body parts, according to Fox News.
News broke in November that the Department of Justice had requested unredacted documents from the Senate Judiciary Committee, obtained during its investigation into allegations that Planned Parenthood trafficked in aborted baby remains for profit. Sen. Grassley asked for confirmation that those unredacted documents would be used for investigative purposes.
Thursday’s letter from Justice Department Assistant Attorney General for Legislative Affairs Stephen Boyd, verified their investigation in what Fox News describes as a “rare confirmation” that a criminal investigation was ongoing.
The investigations were prompted by the 2015 release of a series of undercover recordings by the Center for Medical Progress, which clearly showed Planned Parenthood executives and others discussing potential deals for money – and in some cases, haggling to get the best prices – in exchange for organs and tissue procured from aborted babies.
“As a co-founder of the Center for Medical Progress, I am very proud our work in exposing Planned Parenthood’s criminal conduct. It is gratifying to learn that a criminal investigation of the nation’s largest abortion merchant is underway,” said Troy Newman, who serves as President of Operation Rescue.
“The videos show the true face of Planned Parenthood; one that is obsessed with exploiting every possible profit stream from their abortion business at the expense of the women they purport to serve,” Newman continued. “Greed, deception, and exploitation of the vulnerable are all hallmarks of Planned Parenthood’s nefarious activities.”
Newman and other CMP members continue to fight Federal lawsuits filed by Planned Parenthood and the National Abortion Federation, which won an injunction to halt the release of further videos and barred the sharing videos with law enforcement officials even if they contained evidence of crimes.
Newman, who is represented by Jay Sekulow of the American Center for Law and Justice, filed an appeal with the U.S. Supreme Court earlier this year claiming the gag order is rife with constitutional violations. Earlier this month the Supreme Court ordered the abortion businesses to submit briefs in response. A decision from the Court on whether it will hear the case is expected next month.
“News of this investigation gives new urgency to our Supreme Court appeal. The DOJ needs access to all the evidence so justice can be properly done. Planned Parenthood must not be held above the law,” said Newman.
Newman Applauds Planned Parenthood Criminal Investigation Confirmed by DOJ