By Ricardo Pinedo
Hempstead, New York – On November 9, another woman learned the bitter truth about abortion when she experienced complications serious enough to require emergency transport from a Planned Parenthood in Hempstead, New York.
“Not only does abortion end the life of a child,” commented Troy Newman, President of Operation Rescue, “but the promises of ‘safe abortion’ shouted so loudly by supposed defenders of women’s rights prove, again and again, to be a pack of lies, just as it did for this woman. Abortion is not safe for anyone – not the baby, and not the mother.”
Abortion complications exist, and they are far more frequent than people think. Readers are encouraged to visit and explore the reported emergencies Operation Rescue continually investigates so Americans can learn more about dangerous abortion complications.
According to 911 records, this 34-year-old mother apparently underwent a dilation and curettage (D&C) procedure. In this method of abortion, the abortionist opens – or dilates – the woman’s cervix, and then uses an instrument called a “curette” to scrape the walls of the uterus and cut out the parts of the baby, piece by piece. In some cases, the abortionist also uses a powerful suction machine to destroy the body. At the Hempstead Planned Parenthood, D&C procedures are the surgical method of choice to destroy babies up to 13 weeks and 6 days gestation.
For reference, by 13 weeks a baby in the womb is about the size of a peach. She already has a heartbeat, brain waves, and unique, fully-formed fingerprints – all beginning weeks earlier. Her vocal chords are also developing, and all her organs are present. She has fuzzy hair growing on her head and eyebrows.
The 911 records do not state the exact complication this 34-year-old mother experienced, however, Operation Rescue does know this is the third woman requiring emergency transport in less than a year.
Thanks to eyewitnesses, Operation Rescue previously documented two other botched abortions at this Planned Parenthood. The first took place on March 2, 2023, when a woman suffering from dangerously low blood pressure following her abortion required an ambulance. The second happened on August 3, 2023, when another 34-year-old woman was also rushed to the emergency room due to hemorrhage or “excessive bleeding” after an abortion procedure. This was likely caused by uterine perforation, a common and very dangerous abortion complication.
All three of these cases were only made known because pro-life eyewitnesses happened to be present, which begs the question: How many other women have suffered abortion injuries on days without eyewitnesses?
“Of course, the mainstream media and other institutions will remain silent, or simply turn a blind eye, all to cover up bloody, botched abortions that don’t fit their pro-abortion narrative,” said Newman. “But the documented truth speaks loud and clear: abortion kills children and is incredibly dangerous for women. Operation Rescue will never stop exposing the gruesome underbelly of the abortion cartel.
“Now is the time to work harder and speak louder. For four years, we had an administration that targeted pro-lifers to silence them. Many abortion advocates took advantage, furthering their political ideas and future plans to expand abortion. Now, however, we have an administration that will not censor the truth. We must call on the Trump administration to investigate dangerous abortion complications that remain severely underreported and mostly hidden from the American people.”
This report may be republished with inclusion of the following acknowledgement: “This article was originally published by Operation Rescue, a leading pro-life, Christian activist organization dedicated to exposing abortion abuses, demanding enforcement, saving innocent lives, and building an abortion-free America. The author, Ricardo Pinedo, writes for Operation Rescue.”
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