By Cheryl Sullenger
Brooklyn Park, MN – Despite Planned Parenthood’s recent disavowal of racist founder Margaret Sanger and her philosophy of eugenics, last month Planned Parenthood North Central States (PPNCS) opened a new abortion facility in the minority community of Brooklyn Park, Minnesota.
Brian Gibson is the Executive Director of the Pro-Life Action Ministries based in Minneapolis. His group offers help to women outside abortion facilities in Minnesota and Florida.
Gibson told Operation Rescue, “Brooklyn Park is a suburb of Minneapolis with a very high African immigrant community.”
Apparently, the targeting of minority neighborhoods by Planned Parenthood and other abortion businesses is nothing new in Minnesota, and there are statistics to prove it.
Minnesota requires abortion facilities to report information about abortions, including detailed demographics. According to 2019 statistics published by the state, more than 30% of reported abortions were done on Black women, while less than 6.2% of Minnesotans are Black. Other racial minorities accounted for an additional 12% of abortions done in Minnesota last year.
That means 42% of all abortions done in Minnesota last year involved racial minorities, while the state’s population is 84% white.
In a moment of brazen hypocrisy, just as the Brooklyn Park facility was opening in that minority neighborhood, Sarah Stoesz, President and CEO of Planned Parenthood North Central States denounced Sanger’s ideology of targeting minorities and others for abortions in an e-mail dated July 28, 2020:
As a health care organization with over 100 years of history, Planned Parenthood provides crucial health services and we also acknowledge that some of our current work was built on a harmful past. Our founder, Margaret Sanger, perpetuated a number of problematic beliefs and actions. We want to be very clear that we vehemently denounce her ideology that certain people — specifically people of color, people with low incomes, and people with disabilities — should be prevented from having children. This repugnant belief runs directly counter to our organization’s current mission of supporting every person in choosing when and whether to become a parent.

Planned Parenthood’s actions do not match its rhetoric. Its new Brooklyn Park abortion facility is continuing the trend of targeting minority communities for abortions.
But there is another disturbing aspect to this facility. It offers telemedicine services and abortions using the Mifepristone/Misoprostol regimen, which has a higher complication rate than first trimester surgical abortions.
The abortion drugs have a 3-7 percent failure rate and are not recommended for use above 10 weeks gestation. Dangerous hemorrhaging and incomplete abortions that require surgery to complete are common complications to the abortion drug cocktail.
Offering only the higher-risk abortions in a minority neighborhood could be construed as a racist act. That seems like an incredibly bad idea in the Minneapolis metro area that was the flashpoint for this summer’s race riots.
“Planned Parenthood gave only lip service when it disavowed Margaret Sanger and removed her name from one clinic in New York. But it never closed any of its abortion facilities that were located in minority neighborhoods. In fact, it has opened at least one new site in a predominately Black community since the statements regarding Sanger were made,” said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. “In all practicality, Margaret Sanger’s eugenic philosophy of disproportionately targeting of Blacks and other minorities for abortions is still alive and well at Planned Parenthood.”
Thanks to Brian Gibson for providing information for this report.