By Cheryl Sullenger
Greensboro, NC – Shortly after noon, on Saturday, May 11, 2019 — Mother’s Day weekend — while others in Greensboro, North Carolina, were getting celebrate motherhood, a group of pro-life activists were outside A Woman’s Choice, a local abortion facility on Randleman Road, filming a medical emergency.
Grainy footage shows a white woman being wheeled out of the abortion clinic on a gurney to an awaiting ambulance as pro-life activists prayed for her. It is unknown whether this woman was an abortion patient.
“There is just something tragically ironic about an abortion clinic killing babies on Mother’s Day. Every year that day would be a sad reminder to those women of the children they aborted,” said Troy Newman, President of Operation Rescue, which tracks medical emergencies at abortion facilities and abortion-related deaths at

Operation Rescue attempted to obtain pubic records related to this incident, but were denied twice by the City of Greensboro, which even refused to release the records with all personal identifying information redacted.
However, Operation Rescue did obtain an audio clip of the radio dispatch for this incident.
That clip indicated that Medic 61 was dispatched to 2425 Randleman Road, the address of A Woman’s Choice, at 12:03 p.m. for a “10-39 transport.” According to a Guilford County 10 Code list, 10-39 means “Emergency run – lights and siren.”
This indicated there was some urgency to the need for an ambulance.
The abortionist known to work at A Women’s Choice, is Jodell K. Allen, who splits her time between at least four abortion facilities in North Carolina and Florida. She has been linked to the 2016 death of 18-year old abortion patient Diamond Renee Williams, who received a fatal abortion at A Women’s Choice in Charlotte, North Carolina, where Allen also works.
This is not the first medical emergency at A Woman’s Choice, an old run-down facility located in what almost appears to be an unkempt back alley. And it probably won’t be the last.
On September 22, 2018, another woman was transported by ambulance from that Greensboro abortion facility. Once again, the City of Greensboro turned down Operation Rescue’s request for usually-public 911 records.
“The City of Greensboro has a regulation that prohibits the release of 911 records related to medical emergencies,” said Newman. “I believe this regulation is unconstitutional and interferes with the public’s right to know. It only makes it more dangerous for women who may not realize that other women have been seriously injured there.”
[Note: This article has been edited to reflect that the incident date of May 11, 2019, was actually a Saturday, not Sunday, as incorrectly noted in a previous version. Operation Rescue regrets the error.]