April is Sexual Abuse Awareness Month (SAAM) — a hard topic and one that abortion supporters all but ignore when it comes to the abortion industry.
We know child molesters, pimps, and human traffickers all benefit from the deafening silence of abortion staff refusing to report obvious abusive situations playing out in their lobbies. However, these are not the only abusers hanging around abortion clinics. Countless women have experienced horrific sexual abuse at the hands of abortion doctors (and, in this lineup, at least one nurse).
In today’s Monday Lineup, we expose sexual predators from California and the West — all of them found inside the abortion clinic, with a state license that gives them access to the very women they have shamelessly abused.
Meet Brian Finkel, the predator who referred to his abortion clinic as the “Vagina Vault”…

In 2004, after being charged with nearly sixty counts of sexually abusing patients, Brian Finkel was found guilty on 22 of those charges and sentenced to nearly 35 years in prison.
During his trial, numerous women came forward and testified of fondling, twisting nipples, kissing, rape, and penetration with his fingers.
The accusations spanned 17 years of abuse.
And, though Finkel denied every charge, five of his medical assistants also testified to observing Finkel fondling patients’ clitorises and breasts.
Shortly after Finkel was behind bars, his own cellmate — convicted of attempting to molest a child — wrote a letter of concern to a Phoenix newspaper after he claimed Finkel said he’d be “out on the streets in 2006” due to mishandling of his case.
This inmate described Finkel as “one sick son-of-a-bitch” and wrote, “Since I’ve been in here, I have heard how he loved his job because he got to play with a lot of breasts and how he enjoyed rubbing their crotch.”
Finkel is currently still in prison, If ever released, he will be on a 99-year probation, which includes the condition that he “may not perform duties or be employed in the medical field.”
Meet Evie Gradwohl, the abortion nurse who fondled patients while they were sedated…

In 2012, a former employee by the name of Kimberly Bennington filed a lawsuit against Lovejoy Surgicenter where Evie Gradwohl was employed as a nurse.
Bennington had begun working at the abortion facility just a year before and quickly witnessed alarming sexual conduct and comments from the staff, especially Gradwohl.
In the suit, Bennington described Gradwohl showing her “newly augmented breasts” to Bennington, as well as other staff, and trying to get her to “feel them.”
Gradwohl also talked explicitly about her own sex life, about “sexually skilled” boyfriends, and sex toys she used. She wore a “cock ring” as a bracelet.
According to the suit, Gradwohl began pressuring Bennington to have an affair, pushing her to sleep with one of Gradwohl’s former boyfriends or find someone online. In January 2012, Bennington reported Gradwohl’s harassment and behavior to another manager. Nothing was ever done about it.
Bennington also alleged to seeing Gradwohl fondle patients and touch them inappropriately while under sedation. She described one particularly bizarre incident where Gradwohl drew a bird on a sedated patient with a permanent marker and later wrote about the drawing on Facebook.
By May 2012, after numerous complaints to management and anxiety-inducing hostility from Gradwohl, Bennington handed in her two weeks’ notice. No action was ever taken on behalf of Bennington by the clinic. However, Gradwohl was terminated a month later, possibly in anticipation of the upcoming lawsuit.
Thanks to Bennington’s determination to expose Gradwohl’s heinous and abusive behavior, this predatory nurse was banned by the Oregon Board of Nursing by November 2012. It is not known if she has ever been licensed elsewhere.
Meet Douglas Attig, thought it was acceptable to spank a female patient for positive drug tests…

In 2001, Douglas Attig was mildly disciplined by the Washington Department of Health for sexual abuse of two patients.
In 1996, Attig started seeing a 28-year-old patient with whom he proceeded to develop an inappropriate relationship over the next few years.
When this patient became addicted to narcotics due to chronic pain, Attig decided to “help” her kick the habit by giving her his own drug tests and, if positive, “spanking her bare bottom.” On one occasion he even ordered her to pull down her pants and bend over an examination table.
Attig also promised to help his victim keep her job — while also prolonging his access to her — by hiding any “dirty” urinary analysis tests.
The list of charges from the Department of Health also noted that Attig “exchanged a copious amount of inappropriate and suggestive” emails with this patient, as well as hugging, kissing, and making “frequent declarations of ‘how much he loved her.'”
During this same period, in 1999, Attig also told a female patient they needed to “somehow stretch [her] out,” when he had difficulty completing a Pap smear. He followed that lewd comment by suggesting “a pop bottle works” and “a douche or vibrator also works.”
Like so many other predators this campaign has exposed, Attig was ultimately given just five years medical probation and required counseling for manipulating a drug addict for his own pleasure for years.
His most recent medical license was issued in 2019 and expired in 2021. Note, it was never revoked, only allowed to lapse by Attig himself.
Meet Lawson Akpulonu, a rapist who tucked a business card into his victim’s bra when he finished attacking her…

In 1995, a patient awoke to find Lawson Akpulonu raping her directly after performing an abortion. Seeing her awake, Akpulonu gave her a shot, and she passed out again.
When she awoke the second time, she described seeing Akpulonu standing beside her with his “erect penis out of his pants.” She pushed him away and he gave her another shot. She passed out again.
The nightmarish report goes on: “When [she] awoke for a third time, she found her sweater had been removed and her bra partially pulled down exposing her right breast. [Akpulonu] was caressing [her] body. At one point, when [she] tried to scream, [he] placed his hand over her mouth. [Akpulonu] told [her] she had a beautiful body. He said she was a very nice girl and a sexy girl while he continued rubbing her inside her blouse and bra. He kissed her right breast. He then placed his business card inside her bra and said she could call him anytime.”
Just a few years before, in 1992, Akpulonu assaulted another patient. Though he gave her sedation meant to put her to sleep, this patient testified she was awake the whole time. Shortly after the sedation, she heard Akpulonu order the nurse to leave the room.
Directly after the abortion, she felt Akpulonu begin to massage her vagina. She began to cry. He then fondled her thighs and buttocks and eventually moved to her breasts under her blouse. She testified she could also feel him rubbing his groin against her exposed vagina. The patient kept crying and asking Akpulonu what he was doing while trying to push him away. Then he suddenly left the room and only the nurse ever returned.
Before these two assaults, Akpulonu was already convicted for medicaid fraud as well as arrested for “threatening enemies with a loaded gun.” Had the California Medical Board taken appropriate action with these crimes, it may have saved these women (along with others who testified of similar abuse) from being left on an operating table at the hands of a rapist.
Though these incidents took place nearly thirty years ago, very little has changed when it comes to disciplining abortionists for sexual abuse. As this campaign continues to show, sexual abuse in the abortion industry is an ongoing, systemic problem that existed then and still exists today.
Meet Laurence Reich, criminally convicted of sexual exploitation in 2002 and kept his license another four years…

Laurence Reich first showed his proclivity for sexual abuse in 1982.
Three patients testified to Reich asking about their sex lives before marriage, sexual fantasies, and current sex lives. He also touched them inappropriately, massaging their vaginas for no medical reason. Even more disgusting, Reich tried to get each one of them to masturbate in front of him. One he said it would help him diagnose her infection; he told another it would help him place her cervical cap correctly.
He received a ten-year medical probation for this disgusting behavior, along with required counseling. No criminal charges.
Twenty years later, while still licensed, it became clear nothing about Reich’s predatory habits had changed. In 2002, he was finally arrested for sexual battery of two patients and pled no contest. He was sentenced to just one day in jail and given a year of probation.
Despite this arrest and conviction, his license was still not immediately revoked. It took two more years for the Medical Board to finally bring charges for the arrest as well as the sexual abuse of the two patients Reich fondled and penetrated with his fingers. He also tried to elicit a sexual relationship with both of them.
It took another two years — during which Reich was still licensed with unfettered access to female patients — before the Board revoked his license. And, even then, Reich actually voluntarily surrendered his license to avoid any further inquiry.
How many more women were abused by this predator in the space between his first assaults in 1982 and his criminal conviction in 2002? And how many more women were added to even that number while the California Medical Board dragged its feet and let this predator keep right on practicing after the arrest?
Don’t forget to check our daily posts on Facebook, X, Gab, and Truth Social! We will share new Predator Profiles every single day throughout the month of April for Sexual Abuse Awareness Month.
The Monday Lineup is just a snapshot from a much longer list…