By Cheryl Sullenger
Although I engage in the world of social media, sometimes I wonder what, if any, impact it has. Every day, I post my reports from Operation Rescue to my personal Facebook page, and other social media accounts. These reports represent many hours of research and work on my part, and contain new revelations about abortion abuses, or information of interest that often makes its way onto the pages of large news services.
Why is it that these posts seem to barely get noticed on Facebook and Twitter? Yet, if I post a picture of the French toast I had for breakfast, it gets a rousing response.
Now, in today’s environment, we have to battle algorithms that bury our content, Facebook time outs (as Troy Newman experienced this week), and threats to remove our content from Twitter and YouTube. Sometimes it is such a headache that I wonder, “Why bother?”
However, a couple of weeks ago, I received a direct message on Facebook that answered my question.
The message was from a young woman who sent me an ultrasound photo with the message, “Hello, I am choosing life. I have been following your posts. Keep up the good work.”
The image contained the clear form of a tiny baby nestled snugly and safely in the womb. What a great feeling that was to see that!
I so appreciated that encouragement, and the knowledge that while I may not always see the results, our work and Operation Rescue and our use of social media is truly making a difference, one life at a time. I am encouraged to know there are people out there quietly watching and reading and are affected by these messages in life-changing ways.
Perhaps the pro-abortion activists realize that as well and it is why it seems increasingly difficult to engage in social media without having to wrestle with censorship, bots trying to take down our website (as they did just last night), and outright attacks from the leftist abortion apologists that troll our accounts.
So, all you pro-life social media activists out there, keep spreading your pro-life messages, battling the censors, and enduring the naysayers. Even one saved life makes it all well worth it.
Mom Touched by Operation Rescue Reports Saves Her Baby’s Life