Bellevue, NE – Multiple moving trucks were spotted at the abortion business of notorious, late-term abortionist Leroy Carhart Wednesday. Operation Rescue discovered earlier this week that the clinic had already begun referring to another abortion business for surgical abortions while continuing to schedule chemical abortions – even increasing the price by $100.

Carhart is currently under investigation by the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services for massive abortion-related injuries to a 35-year-old-woman who reportedly coded at the hospital after being transported from his Bellevue, Nebraska, abortion clinic. The complaint included 27 other life-threatening medical emergencies documented by Operation Rescue.
The people of Bellevue, Nebraska, where Carhart has been killing babies for many years, are circulating a petition to make the city a sanctuary for the unborn. If the initiative is successful, abortion and abortion inducing drugs within the city limits with be completely outlawed.
Carhart is fleeing to Pueblo, Colorado, where he plans to operate an abortion business under the name “” He purchased a small medical office building formerly owned by the late Dr. Charles Potestioa, who, according to residents of Pueblo, was a beloved member of the pro-life community. For them, this is personal. One pro-lifer told Operation Rescue in a heartfelt expression concerning the change of ownership and dreaded future of the building, “[A]t least we have a warrior in heaven praying for this situation we are in.”

In Nebraska, abortion is legal up to 20 weeks gestation, when babies can kick, swallow, hear, suck their thumbs, feel pain, and respond to sounds outside the womb. But Colorado takes it much further.
“Because Colorado has no term restrictions and allows abortionists to kill babies up to the moment of birth, Carhart sees it as an attractive destination where he is free to satisfy his thirst for the blood of viable, including full-term, precious babies,” said Operation Rescue President, Troy Newman. “He is now in his 80s, but he can’t seem to stop the killing.”
The pro-life community in Pueblo, Colorado, is not happy about Carhart moving to their city, turning it into a dangerous, late-term, abortion travel destination. The community is making every effort to keep his killing center from opening its doors.
Carhart has somehow obtained his Colorado medical license by endorsement, though he is currently under investigation by another state licensing authority and has a long history of injuring and killing women. In addition to the efforts of the people of Bellevue to chase him out and the serious state investigation underway, Jim Pillen, a Republican who campaigned on his pro-life position, was elected as Nebraska’s new governor this week.
“This infamous baby killer saw the writing on the wall,” said Newman. “And though he doesn’t care about viability when it comes to babies, he does care about viability when it comes to his bottom dollar. His business model was certainly at risk in light of all the events taking place in Nebraska.
“Please pray for the people of Pueblo and their efforts to thwart Carhart’s plans to murder innocent babies in their city.”