By Anne Reed
More on the Growing Trend of Back-Alley Abortions in Operation Rescue’s Exclusive Annual Survey Releasing NEXT WEEK.
The University of Tennessee’s Women’s Coordinating Council, a registered student organization of The University of Tennessee, recently hosted an Abortion Pill Training event for students. For the record, abortion is illegal in the state of Tennessee.
The training event took place on October 19 and was led by Maxine Carwile on behalf of a pro-abortion nonprofit organization Self-Managed Abortion; Safe and Supported (SASS). Carwile, a former employee of Planned Parenthood, stated during her talk that she started an abortion fund that sends money to clinics where women are scheduled for abortions.
Campus Reform captured audio of the training event.
“They train people to do these trainings in the hopes that people who have been trained on it will keep training others,” Carwile explained. “And these trainings are really important because abortion in a clinic is now illegal in Tennessee.”
She went on to say (beginning at minute mark 1:10):
“It doesn’t actually say in Tennessee law the ending of pregnancy on a person’s own is illegal, but that doesn’t mean we should assume it’s legal either… [W]e consider this a legally gray area of just being very, very careful.
“The most important thing on earth is if somebody does end their own pregnancy or help someone end their own pregnancy, that they keep their mouth absolutely, completely shut. Trust no one!”
She further instructed the students that if they take the abortion-inducing pills and go to an emergency room that “medical professionals, above all else, should not be confided in.”
At one time she said, “I’m probably going to say like 50 times in the next hour, because it’s the most important point, um, medication abortion via pills shows up exactly the same as a miscarriage.”
The most important thing for anyone to know is to say over and over again to any medical professionals, family, friends, anyone at all, ‘I am having a miscarriage, I have a miscarriage…over, and over, and over again.’”
She recommended the World Health Organization’s (WHO) protocol for the two-drug abortion pill regimen. However, she conveniently ignored the WHO’s description of risk factors that make women “clinically illegible” for the abortion pill regimen – such as ectopic pregnancy.
Nonetheless, she pointed students to According to the website, abortion-inducing drugs are available in every state in the U.S.
If not secured through a U.S.-based organization, the pills are sent from “alternative suppliers,” that obtain the unregulated, generic abortion-inducing drugs from India.
A quick search on the website reveals that even in states where abortion is banned, abortion pills are accessible. For instance in the state of Texas, where strict laws against aiding and abetting are in place, a search returns results for a pill supplier in Mexico that meets women near the U.S. border.

Among the listings, women are even given options to “get pills in advance,” and have no interaction with a clinician. The site also includes information about “potential legal risks” of using “an unregulated website.”
“This growing trend of back-alley abortions is extremely troubling,” said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. “The fact that a public university and the culture in general devalues the lives of women – pushing them to recklessly endanger themselves, both physically and from a legal perspective — speaks of the spiritual condition of our nation. The killing of precious, innocent infants in the womb has become so prioritized among the wicked that it takes precedence over all else.
“We are undoubtedly under judgment. If ever there was a time for our nation to repent, it is now!”