By Anne Reed | Updated August 12, 2024, 1:30 p.m.
Pittsburg, Kansas — Documents recently uncovered by the Family Council in Little Rock, Arkansas, revealed that Planned Parenthood Great Plains secretly purchased a building in Pittsburg, Kansas, through a string of property investment limited liability companies, one of which is based in Little Rock. The 990 tax form for Planned Parenthood Great Plains reveals the following connections:

On April 10, Southeast Kansas Property Investment LLC secured a building permit for the location at 2310 Tucker Terrace in Pittsburg. The description indicated the permit was for a “health center remodel, exam and lab remodel, gutted and turned into the front entrance.”
“It is no surprise that Planned Parenthood is swooping in to guarantee its greedy portion of blood money in Operation Rescue’s home state,” said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman.
In June, Operation Rescue produced a three-part special report detailing the state’s downward spiral in recent years and months – wildly shifting from a generally pro-life state to a late-term abortion wasteland. Less than two months ago, the Kansas Supreme Court adamantly reaffirmed its total devotion to unfettered abortion.
“As the battle to save the lives of preborn children intensifies,” said Newman, “Operation Rescue continues to point to Kansas as a desperate warning to other states. Planned Parenthood is clearly capitalizing on the shift in politics, using Kansas as a destination to target innocent preborn children in states where they are protected by law.”
Though Pittsburg is a small town, with a population of just over 20,000, there are numerous reasons that Planned Parenthood would target the area. It is the home of Pittsburg University, a public university with enrollment of over 6,500, and is located only 5 miles from the Missouri state line and under 30 miles from the Oklahoma state line. Both border states are abortion free.
Planned Parenthood’s most recent annual report indicated it performed 392,715 abortions in the U.S. in the 2021-2022 fiscal year. The ravenous abortion giant killed over 18,000 more babies than in the previous year. As the landscape across the nation shifts, Planned Parenthood strategists seize every perceivable opportunity to kill more babies.
In 2022, 41% of Kansas abortions were performed on women from Missouri and Oklahoma, the two states lines so incredibly close to Pittsburg. These percentages represent 5,089 babies killed in Kansas from the two neighboring states.
“Apparently, that’s not enough carnage for the baby killers at Planned Parenthood,” said Newman. “Sadly, so many people of Kansas welcomed this evil into our state when 59% voted against the pro-life Value Them Both constitutional ballot initiative in 2022.”
Pittsburg is in Crawford County, where a lower number (55%) voted against the life-saving initiative. These numbers reveal a significant number of pro-life citizens in the town of Pittsburg. So, while Planned Parenthood executives sought out the location because of its proximity to abortion-free states, they apparently anticipated resistance from pro-life residents. The details were carefully hidden as a result.
“This isn’t the first time the powerful abortion giant has used this type of covert technique to keep people of a community in the dark,” said Newman. “Planned Parenthood officials know pro-lifers can thwart its plans by exercising their First Amendment rights and by exploring possible legal actions. Now, the people of Pittsburg are free to do so.”
This report may be republished with inclusion of the following acknowledgement: “This article was originally published by Operation Rescue, a leading pro-life, Christian activist organization dedicated to exposing abortion abuses, demanding enforcement, saving innocent lives, and building an abortion-free America. The author, Anne Reed, is Senior Policy Advisor for Operation Rescue.”
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