By Cheryl Sullenger
Manhattan, NY – Two New York Fire Department ambulances and a fire unit responded to a medical emergency at Planned Parenthood’s troubled Manhattan abortion facility on March 16, 2022.
A woman who was participating in a 40 Days for Life prayer vigil outside the abortion facility provided Operation Rescue with her eyewitness account, as well as photos and videos of the incident.
According to the witness, she noticed a few Planned Parenthood workers coming out of the facility onto the sidewalk when a Stericycle truck pulled up near to the door of Planned Parenthood’s high rise, located at 26 Bleckley Street in Manhattan.
Stericycle is a company that collects the remains of aborted babies for disposal.
The Stericycle truck then pulled around the corner. She thought it was circling the block and would be back. She was the lone pro-life person on the street, so she tried to prepare herself emotionally for what she thought would happen next.
“Stericycle days are tough. Especially if I’m by myself,” the witness explained to Operation Rescue. “I usually kneel and make the sign of the cross each time the workers bring out hand trucks stacked with cardboard boxes marked for incineration. While I was preparing my heart to deal with this truck again, the workers were trying to clear off a few cars that were trying to park in front of the. . .door. They would shake their heads and motion to the drivers to keep going.”
But she would soon learn that the Planned Parenthood workers were not trying to make room on the narrow city street for the Stericycle truck’s return. They were clearing the way for something much more urgent.

Our pro-life witness heard the sirens in the distance before she saw the emergency vehicles arrive. There was a fire unit followed by an ambulance. The emergency responders parked on the corner of Bleckley and Mott, then went inside the Planned Parenthood building.
A few minutes later, a second ambulance arrived.
As the pro-lifer snapped photos and video to document the incident, she was soon approached by an angry woman who had seen her praying the rosary.
“’I’m here to help,’ was my response,” the prolife woman continued. “She replied with strong language and said that I wasn’t helping. Then I pointed towards the double EMS trucks directly in front of us and said, ‘How is this helping women?’ I said that I would pray for her and that we should both pray for the poor woman that was possibly dying inside Planned Parenthood right now.”
About 15 minutes after the second ambulance arrived, the EMTs wheeled a woman out of Planned Parenthood on a gurney and loaded her into one of the two ambulances at the scene. At that time, the second ambulance and fire unit departed, but the ambulance with the woman remained.
At that point, our witness had to leave. She never saw the Stericycle truck return.
Because New York refuses to release abortion-related 911 records to Operation Rescue, we may never know what happened to the woman who suffered the medical emergency at Planned Parenthood.
She was the unfortunate thirty-third known woman to be hospitalized after visiting the Manhattan Planned Parenthood, within the past five years.
That facility is also a known training center for the Ryan Residency abortion training program, which is affiliated with the Bixby Center for Global Reproductive Health – a globalist organization with a strong depopulation agenda. It is possible that the training program could be contributing to the high number of abortion-related emergencies there.
“This Planned Parenthood is the exemplification of an abortion facility that conducts unsafe abortions. It is dangerous for women and lethal for babies. Planned Parenthood allows untrained individuals to conduct trial-and-error abortions on women in the name of ‘training,’ which puts women’s lives and health at risk,” said Troy Newman, President of Operation Rescue. “It operates under a veil of secrecy provided by its political cohorts within the Democrat-run City of New York. If the City and New York State health officials truly cared about women, they would immediately shut down the Manhattan Planned Parenthood.”