Washington, DC – In spite of fierce Democratic opposition, including extreme statements from Pres. Barack Obama, the U.S. House of Representatives yesterday passed the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act which would ban abortions after 20 weeks with narrow exceptions in all fifty states. The final vote was 228-196, which fell nearly along party lines. It was the most significant pro-life legislative victory in over ten years.
“We appreciate the leadership of Rep. Trent Franks, who bore the brunt of unfounded personal attacks hurled at him from the pro-abortion side in a vain attempt to deflect attention from the grisly practice of late-term abortions,” said Troy Newman, President of Operation Rescue. “Rep. Franks saw the need for such legislation to protect babies that can feel pain after horrific details of late-term abortion abuses came out of the Kermit Gosnell murder trial. We are grateful to him for having the courage to act and grateful for all 228 Congressmen who supported this much-needed measure.”
Kermit Gosnell was convicted of three counts of First Degree Murder for severing the spines of three babies born alive during shoddy abortions conducted amid squalor at his West Philadelphia abortion clinic. He was also convicted of Involuntary Manslaughter for his part in the overdose death of late-term abortion patient Karnamaya Mongar as well has hundreds of abortion and corruption-related charges. He has been sentenced to three life sentences.
Rep. Franks boldly displayed photos of two late-term babies that were aborted at Douglas Karpen’s Houston abortion clinic which both bore larges gashes about the neck. Former clinic workers who took the photos stated that the gashes were the result of Karpen twisting the heads of babies, many of which were born alive in similar circumstance to Gosnell’s practice. The Karpen photos dramatically illustrated the fact that Gosnell’s practice is not unique and demonstrated the need for the legislation to protect women and babies from such abuses.
“Pundits have told us that the Senate will not take up the bill, but we call on Americans who overwhelmingly oppose the barbaric practice of late-term abortion to contact their Senators and hold their feet to the fire on this bill,” said Newman. “If our senators cannot for one time put aside partisan politics and act with human compassion for the plight of vulnerable women and babies, they simply are not fit to be making decisions on any other issue.
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House Passes Protection for Late-term Babies in Wake of Abortion Abuse Revelations