In recent years, under the leadership of Troy Newman, Operation Rescue® has become one of the leading voices of the pro-life activist movement in America. Its activities are on the cutting-edge of the abortion issue and aimed directly at restoring legal personhood to the preborn and stopping abortion in obedience to biblical mandates.

Operation Rescue® spokespersons have decades of experience participating in media interviews, providing support on abortion and other life issues, including human cloning and embryonic stem cell experimentation, euthanasia, and infanticide. 

Official spokespersons include Troy Newman, Anne Reed, Cheryl Sullenger and Sarah Neely. 

Click here to view Operation Rescue’s latest press releases. 

Interviews can be scheduled at the contact numbers below:

  • Troy Newman, President, 316-683-6790
  • Anne Reed, Senior Policy Advisor, 316-554-6264
  • Main Office, 316-683-6790


  • Information about Operation Rescue and Troy Newman found on Wikipedia is inaccurate and should be ignored. If you have questions about our organization, please contact us directly.
  • In 2009, Operation Rescue was among the first to denounce the murder of late-term abortionist George Tiller. All accusations, implications, or inferences that there was any involvement by Operation Rescue in the death of George Tiller is completely false. Operation Rescue and its staff were not involved in any way. Operation Rescue explicitly denounces violence in any form as a means of ending abortion. Read our press statement regarding the death of George Tiller.