Dear Friends,
Most of you are aware that here in Wichita, Kansas, District Attorney Nola Foulston has repeatedly covered up for late-term abortionist George Tiller and aggressively prosecuted pro-lifers for simply standing for Life. From what we have seen and experienced, Foulston’s time in office has been characterized by corruption.
But what you may not know is that since she was first elected to the office of Sedgwick County District Attorney in 1988, she has never been opposed for re-election – until now!
We have the rare opportunity to vote Nola Foulston out of office and replace her with a man of honesty and integrity. Foulston’s opponent is Mark Schoenhofer, a committed Catholic who is very pro-life.
But please don’t think that Mark is a one-note politician. He is an attorney who is dedicated to finding truth and administering justice – someone who believes that the laws should be equitably enforced and that no one is above them. He wants to protect us by putting the bad guys behind bars. We appreciate that about Mark.
Nola Foulston, on the other hand, has repeatedly shown favoritism on the job, and even has used her office to persecute Christians!
Here are just some of the ways Nola Foulston has rescued Tiller:
In December, 2006, then Attorney General Phill Kline filed 30 criminal charges against George Tiller for illegal late-term abortions. Less than 24 hours later, Foulston persuaded a judge (someone she had a long history of supporting with campaign contributions) to dismiss the charges without having even looked at them.
Foulston lied to the media when she told them she had no prior notice of the Kline charges, then changed her story after Kline produced an e-mail from her acknowledging that they had met and discussed the charges before they were filed.
In an effort to confuse the public and deflect attention from the true criminal charges that had been filed against Tiller, Foulston issued results of her own “investigation” into the evidence filed by Kline. That so-called investigation “cleared” Tiller of having not reported incidents of child sexual abuse, even though that was not alleged in the Kline charges.
Foulston’s office persuaded two citizen-called grand juries not to indict Tiller, first in the death of 19-year old Christin Gilbert, then in an investigation into illegal late-term abortions – even though the evidence was enough to cause the grand juries to be concerned that laws were being broken.
Foulston refused to prosecute a clear-cut case of vehicular assault in which Tiller rammed into pro-lifer Mark Gietzen with his Jeep Grand Cherokee. (An incident for which the police had photographic evidence.)
But protecting Tiller has not been enough for Foulston. She has worked to aggressively prosecute and intimidate pro-lifers.
Foulston pulled her best prosecutor off a murder-rape case to prosecute pro-lifer Karen Myers who was arrested for protesting at a Cher concert. In fact, Myers was so brutally handled by the deputies who arrested her that an ambulance had to be called, which transported her to the hospital from the scene of the arrest. Myers was tried for failure to obey a police officer and was found innocent on the trumped up charge. Myers was later awarded a monetary settlement from the county for her false arrest and injuries.
Foulston sent a letter threatening a group of Christians with criminal charges for asking her to reconsider her decision to oppose Kline’s charges against Tiller.
Foulston has refused to meet with national pro-life leaders about their concerns that Tiller is conducting an illegal and dangerous late-term abortion racket, crimes he was later charged with by Kline’s successor.
Just this past weekend, we became aware of another botched abortion incident at Tiller’s that nearly cost the life of the patient. The injured woman is still very sick and needs our prayers.
But as long as Foulston is the District Attorney, you can be sure that there will be no criminal investigation into allegations that the abortion was done past the legal limit.
Nola Foulston has to GO!
Many attorneys in this county are afraid to cross Foulston. They fear that she could ruin their law practice or sabotage one of their cases. That is part of the reason she has run unopposed for so long.

But Mark Schoenhofer has had the courage to oppose Foulston and her corrupt sphere of influence. He wants to restore the integrity of the office and the public faith that they will be treated fairly and without partiality when they enter a Sedgwick county courtroom.
That courage has already been tested. The local newspaper, the Wichita Eagle, has already published a vicious hit-piece on his personal life. And frankly, because the media is controlled by cronies of Foulston and Tiller, he has had difficulty getting his message of reform the voters.
That is why we are asking for your help.
Mark needs to buy a large number of television commercials and radio spots if he is to counter the free publicity that Foulston received from her political allies in the mainstream media.
Any contribution you can make to Mark Schoenhofer’s campaign could be the critical dollar needed to make a difference in this election. (Click here to contribute.)
We must help Mark win this election and kick Foulston and her corrupt network of cronyism out of the DA’s office. You do not have to live in Kansas to contribute.
Remember, women come from every state in the Union – from YOUR state – to abort their babies at Tiller’s abortion mill in Wichita. One of our best hopes of protecting these babies, is to clean house in the DA’s office.
Please click here to donate easily and quickly on-line. Or, if you prefer, send your political contribution by mail to:
Larry W. Johnson, Treasurer
550 N. 159th E., Wichita, KS 67230
Any amount, (up to the individual contribution limit of $500), is greatly needed and will be greatly appreciated.
Please don’t delay. We only have 35 days to make a difference and win a victory that will restore equal justice under the law.
For the voiceless,
Troy Newman
President, Operation Rescue
Cheryl Sullenger
Chairperson, Kansans for Truth in Politics, PAC
Please, click here now to visit Mark Schoenhofer’s campaign website and make your donation online! God bless!