As one of the leading pro-life organizations in the nation, Operation Rescue stays on the cutting-edge of the abortion issue, taking direct action to stop abortion while proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Proverbs 24 says, “Rescue those being led away to death; hold back those staggering towards slaughter.

Every gift Operation Rescue receives goes straight to saving the lives of preborn children marked for death by the Abortion Cartel. Our aim is to build an abortion-free America.

In order to shut down clinics (for good!) and save precious lives, Operation Rescue works tirelessly to:

  • Investigate and expose wrongdoing at our nation’s abortion clinics, then work to bring the offenders to justice.
  • Demand enforcement of existing abortion laws while also working alongside other groups and organizations to initiate new legislation that will save lives.
  • Continue expanding the nation’s largest archive of documented abortion abuses and making that information available to the public. (
  • Relentlessly speak out in the news media on behalf of those who cannot speak for themselves. We are among the nation’s foremost experts on abuses that take place behind the doors of abortion clinics, and we use that extensive knowledge to close abortion clinics for good.
  • Fight to preserve First Amendment rights in the courts and on the streets.
  • Work to hold elected representatives accountable for their stand on abortion.
  • Conduct extensive research and produce educational materials to inform and equip the pro-life movement.
  • Publish our unique Annual Survey covering every abortion clinic in America, abortion trends, and statistics.

We are completely dependent upon private donations to keep this life-saving, life-transforming work moving forward. Please consider financially supporting Operation Rescue today!

Checks may be sent to:

Operation Rescue

PO Box 25567

Overland Park, KS 66225-5567

For credit card donations by telephone please call 1-800-705-1175.

To donate securely online using your credit card, please click here. (Easy process.)

NOTE: Operation Rescue is not a 501(c)3. Because we are on the cutting edge of the abortion issue, OR is viewed as “politically incorrect” by many government agencies. This means donations to our organization are not tax-deductible. However, that allows us to speak our mind fearlessly! Many churches and 501(c)3 organizations panic at the thought of getting involved in “political” issues like abortion. At Operation Rescue, we speak the truth without fear. That means your gift to Operation Rescue goes even further to expose the abortion cartel and the politicians who support the baby-killing industry. You are deeply and truly appreciated by our team, knowing you sacrificed the tax write-off to support this vital work. 

“Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them.” -Ephesians 5:11