April is Sexual Abuse Awareness Month (SAAM) — a hard topic and one that abortion supporters all but ignore when it comes to the abortion industry.
Recorded phone calls, undercover investigations, and state deficiency reports have shown again and again that the abortion industry covers for rapists, pimps, and human traffickers, most often by failing to report abortions on minors or ignoring obvious coercion.
But it’s not just the men pressuring women and girls into the lobbies of abortion clinics who are the abusers — countless women have also experienced horrific sexual abuse at the hands of abortion doctors.
These men have raped women on the abortion table, fondled their bodies when sedated, whispered horrific things into their ears, and taken full advantage of women already participating in an act they often don’t want anyone to know about. These abortionists are absolute predators, and Operation Rescue is outing them every day this April.
For all 30 days of April (#30DaysofSAAM), we will be sharing the truth about sexual predators in the abortion industry. What abortion supporters call “healthcare,” we call a well-documented history of abuse.

This list of predators is not just a few outliers here and there. This is abuse that has been documented from the early 1980s right up until present day, perpetrated by dozens and dozens of abortion doctors in over 20 states — and some are still licensed!
You can follow and share this campaign through:
- Daily posts on social media. Starting April 1, we will share “Predator Profiles” every single day on Facebook, Gab, Gettr and Truth Social. You won’t believe what some of these doctors have gotten away with!
- Weekly emails with our “Monday Lineup.” Every Monday through the end of April, we will send out an email highlighting the history of abuse in different regions across the country. Over 20 states, and those are just the ones we know about!
This information is not comfortable — some of it will be quite graphic — but there is good reason to get this information out there.
In this crucial election year, as voters go to the polls to vote on numerous abortion amendments and a new President, we must make certain to highlight the most effective talking points on abortion. Who wants to support an industry that rapes and molests women? This abuse is systemic, ongoing, and strong evidence that abortion is not the safe, empowering experience it is constantly promoted to be.
By exposing these terrible truths, we challenge abortion advocates to defend their own radical positions — like supporting an industry harboring known rapists who have never been criminally convicted. Where’s the #MeToo crowd on this one?
It’s time to put abortion advocates on the defense. And, in doing so, winning hearts and minds that will help us save lives.
Keep an eye out for our first Monday Lineup, and our first round of Predator Profiles, all starting next week during April’s Dirty Doctors Digest!
#SexualAbuseAwarenessMonth #30DaysofSAAM