Washington, DC – Today, Congress passed a massive pork barrel budget that includes over half a billion dollars directed to Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion provider.
Planned Parenthood is a criminal enterprise that is currently under investigation by the Federal Bureau of Investigation for trafficking in fetal body parts. Countless Planned Parenthood abortion facilities have injured women so badly that they required emergency hospitalization. They have also been involved in bungled abortions that have led to numerous maternal deaths. Planned Parenthood has been involved in lawsuits alleging fraud, malpractice and wrongful death – many of which led to large monetary judgements or settlements.
Planned Parenthood owns half of the nation’s abortion clinics and does one-third of all the abortions. Furthermore, public funds that flow to Planned Parenthood end up in the campaign coffers of far-left Democrat politicians to help defeat pro-life Republicans. Those Democrats are then beholden to support Planned Parenthood’s radical abortion agenda.
For example, Planned Parenthood endorsed, funded, and campaigned for rabid abortion supporter Hillary Clinton over pro-life Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election. For a Republican majority in the House and Senate include tax dollars for Planned Parenthood is counter-purposes to establishing a true pro-life majority that can protect pre-born babies from the barbarity of abortion.
“Congress is slitting the throats of innocent babies — and their own — by funding the abortion giant Planned Parenthood. Soon we will be hearing the siren call of ‘Defund Planned Parenthood’ as an election year rallying cry from the same Republicans who continually sign off on Planned Parenthood’s funding. But the best way to defund Planned Parenthood, is to never have funded them to begin with,” said Troy Newman, president of Operation Rescue.
“These are the people who promised voters they would defund Planned Parenthood. They promised to pass pro-life legislation. They were elected on those very promises and, now, the Republicans have passed a budget, in a Congress where they have the majority, that gives Planned Parenthood everything they want. The Republicans keep insisting that they care deeply about the lives of preborn children. I say prove it, because this budget affirms just the opposite. It is a total betrayal of the American people,” added Father Terry Gensemer, International Director of CEC For Life.
“With the funding of Planned Parenthood in the new Senate budget, the Republican Party cannot publicly call themselves ‘Pro-life.’ I mean really, can ANYONE consider themselves pro-life if they vote to give $530,000,000 to the largest abortion provider in the world that does over 321,000 abortions in America alone. I think it’s incumbent upon pro-life leaders to hold Republicans accountable and not allow our message and branding to become diluted or manipulated by politicians. Let’s continue to work with republicans but not allow them to change who we are or define what it means to be pro-life. #DefundPlannedParenthood,” said Rev. Patrick J. Mahoney, Director, Christian Defense Coalition.
Congress Continues to Fund Planned Parenthood’s Criminal Enterprise