Albuquerque, New Mexico – Archbishop Michael Sheehan urged Albuquerque Catholics to cast their votes for the historic Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Ordinance Sunday, telling them that a vote for the ordinance is the only way a Catholic should vote.
“Let us say ‘yes’ to Jesus, let us say ‘yes’ to the unborn child, and urge others to do the same,” he said during his homily at the Shrine of Bernadette. His message resonated with parishioners, some of which plan to take advantage of early voting which is now open.
Meanwhile ABQ Voters for Late Term Abortion Ban have released a new 1-minute promotional video urging Christians to vote for the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Ordinance during an upcoming municipal election on Tuesday, November 19. This video was shown in several churches across Albuquerque yesterday in English and Spanish.
The church-focused “Get Out the Vote” campaign is a strategic one.
“Since launching our campaign last month ABQ Voters For Late Term Abortion Ban has been getting out the vote in local ABQ churches. The Christian churches make up the majority of our voting base and that is where our focus is, and where our votes “FOR” the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Ordinance will come from,” stated Tara Shaver, Chair.
“Our campaign volunteers have been warmly welcomed into dozens of local churches who are eager to see this ordinance pass,” shaver continued. “In lieu of a mainstream television commercial, we are proud to launch our latest effort to remind voters within the churches to cast their ballot vote “FOR” the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Ordinance. This video is relevant among our base and cuts to the heart of the issue. Will we continue to kill innocent human beings in the womb who can feel pain? That is what’s on the ballot and what ABQ voters will decide.”
A recent ABQ Journal Poll showed that the proposed ordinance, this first of its kind on the Municipal level, enjoys the support of 54% of likely voters.
Albuquerque is the site of the largest late-term abortion clinic in the nation, the injury-prone Southwestern Women’s Options, which supplies abortions up until the time of birth to women from every state. Opposition to the late-term abortion ban has been linked to President Barack Obama’s Organizing for Change, a political activism organization that supports radical leftist causes.
The videos were produced by Cheryl Sullenger, Senior Policy Advisor for Operation Rescue, and can be viewed at
Churches Get Behind the Albuquerque Late-term Abortion Ban With Encouragement from Archbishop and New Video