Injured patient hospitalized in ICU for 8 days
By Cheryl Sullenger
Bellevue, NE – Operation Rescue has obtained the 911 records related to an abortion-related medical emergency at LeRoy Carhart’s Abortion and Contraception Clinic of Nebraska on April 26, 2014. Those records show that a 37-year old female was suffering from abdominal pain after Carhart had an “issue with the procedure.”
The Carhart employee, who identified herself as “Becka,” placed the 911 call at 11:51 a.m. on April 26. She identified the name of the business as “Bellevue Health Clinic,” which is a sanitized alternate name for his Abortion and Contraception Clinic of Nebraska.
“The patient’s complaining of pain. We had an issue with the procedure and we’re just needing her transported,” Becka told the dispatcher.
The woman was transported “Priority 1” according to the Computer Aided Dispatch transcripts, indicating that the patient was in critical condition.
Operation Rescue learned from sources familiar with the incident that the woman had gone to Carhart’s Bellevue, Nebraska, abortion clinic on Friday and Saturday, April 25 and 26. She was accompanied by her 15-year old daughter, who thought her mom was having a “tumor” removed.
According to witnesses, when the ambulance was loading the patient for transport, the woman’s daughter ran out of the clinic and told pro-life activists, “That’s my mom.”
Sources tell Operation Rescue that the seriously-injured woman was hospitalized in the Intensive Care Unit of a local hospital for eight days from April 26 through May 3, when she was released.
Carhart has held no hospital privileges whatsoever since 1982.
This was the seventh medical emergency suffered by Carhart patients in the past two years. Operation Rescue has documented two other incidents in Bellevue and four in Germantown, Maryland, where Carhart conducts some of the latest abortions in the country.
Medical Boards in Nebraska and Maryland have declined to investigate complaints filed against Carhart related to those incidents.
“We will be filing another complaint asking for an investigation of the April 26 abortion injury and we will keep asking for investigations into Carhart’s abortion practices until someone in authority finally takes this situation seriously and acts to protect the public,” said Troy Newman, President of Operation Rescue. “Carhart has already killed two women of which we are aware, and has sent countless others to hospital ERs where legitimate physicians have been forced to figure out what happened and patch up these ladies. The body count will only continue to grow until he is held legally accountable for his actions.”
Carhart was also involved in the third-trimester abortion-related deaths of Christin Gilbert in 2005 and Jennifer Morbelli last year.
Read Police Department CAD transcript
Read Fire Department CAD transcript
Carhart Worker to 911: “We had an issue with the procedure”