By Cheryl Sullenger
Bellevue, NE – Something went terribly wrong at LeRoy Carhart’s Bellevue, Nebraska abortion facility on Friday May 4, 2018. An ambulance, fire unit, and another emergency response vehicle, were summoned to the Abortion and Contraceptive Clinic of Nebraska (AACCON) at around noon for a woman who was brought out of the abortion facility covered completely in a white sheet.
This is the seventeenth such medical emergency documented by Operation Rescue at a Carhart abortion facility in the past five years. This is the sixth known incident at his Nebraska facility. He hospitalized ten women, including one patient who died from her injuries, while he worked at Germantown Reproductive Health Center in Germantown, Maryland. That facility closed last year.
Carhart, who is 76, opened his own abortion facility,, specializing in late-term abortions throughout all nine months of pregnancy in Bethesda. Maryland, in October 2017. Just days after that facility opened, Carhart called for emergency transport of yet another abortion patient.
“Carhart has long had a reputation of being a sloppy abortionist, but in recent years, his incompetence has appeared to have grown,” said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. “We have reason to believe he poses a serious danger to the public.”
Operation Rescue attempted to obtain the radio traffic from the May 4 incident in Bellevue, but suspiciously the audio files available were completely blank. In the past, such recordings have been openly available to the public and contained busy radio traffic, including information about dispatches to Carhart’s facility. (Review one example.)
A formal public records request for the 911 records has been submitted.
“One frightening thing is that Carhart is reportedly training new abortionists at his Bellevue facility,” said Newman. “We don’t need new abortionists, and we certainly don’t need any that have been trained by this abortion hack. If Carhart’s trainees go into the abortion business, we are sure to see more women and babies to suffer and die from Carhart’s brand of incompetent abortions.”
One such woman, believed to be an abortionist in training, was present during the May 4 emergency. As if she may have something to hide, she takes more extreme measures to block her identity than has been previously seen at this facility, according to local pro-life activists.
Carhart is one of the few abortionists who openly conduct abortions throughout all nine months of pregnancy, although more do so in secret.
“Our calls for a full and honest investigation of Carhart have fallen on deaf ears in Nebraska and Maryland. How many more women must suffer or die until states begin to protect the public from this dangerous man?” said Newman.
Butcher of Bellevue Strikes Again, But This Time, Public Recording of the Abortion Emergency is Blank