By Cheryl Sullenger
Albuquerque, NM – Operation Rescue has learned that the pro-abortion Respect ABQ Women Coalition, which is the main opposition to the Albuquerque “Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Ordinance,” is actually an affiliate of Pres. Barack Obama’s “Organizing for Action,” which encourages activism for radical leftist causes. The two groups are working together under the banner of “Stand With Women,” which is coordinating a national effort against the municipal ordinance through [View screen shot of website]
Operation Rescue received a copy of an e-mail concerning a “Stand with Women” national conference call held on October 24, which originated from Kelli Lamb, Barack, who is the Women’s Issues Coordinator for Obama’s Organizing for Action. [View a copy of the e-mail from]
During this “strategy call,” Jennifer Lawson, the field director for the Planned Parenthood Action Fund in Albuquerque, solicited funds and volunteers to oppose the late-term abortion ban, according to a pro-life supporter who debriefed Operation Rescue after listening in on the call.
“It appears that Obama is behind an organized effort to ensure the continuation of late-term abortions up until birth, and is attempting through subterfuge to subvert the will of the vast majority of the people of Albuquerque who oppose the heinous practice of aborting babies halfway through pregnancy and up until birth,” said Troy Newman, President of Operation Rescue. “These are the same leftists who are condemning support for the ordinance by national pro-life groups. The deception is appalling.”
As a Senator from Illinois, Obama favored the now outlawed “Partial Birth Abortion” procedure and has been a rabid supporter of unrestricted abortion.
The Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Ordinance, which was placed on the ballot through a grassroots Direct Legislative initiative with signatures of 27,000 signatures of Albuquerque voters, is set for a city-wide vote on November 19. If successful, the initiative would ban abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy. A recent Albuquerque Journal Poll shows 54% of likely Albuquerque voters support the ban.
A similar provision in Texas was ruled to be Constitutional by a Federal Court judge just yesterday.
Meanwhile, Archbishop Michael Sheehan, who has come out in support of the Albuquerque effort to protect babies 20 weeks and older, is promoting Sunday, November 3 as “a day of prayer for the end of abortion and the passing of the Albuquerque Late Term Abortion Ban.”
Archbishop Sheehan will also celebrate a special mass at The Shrine of Saint Bernadette, 11509 Indian School Rd. NE, Albuquerque, NM 87112, on November 3 at 5:00 p.m. to highlight the importance of the November 19th vote that will save thousands of innocent lives.
Fr. Stephen Imbarrato, President of Project Defending Life, is calling on this to be a national effort transcending religious affiliation. “In response to Archbishop Sheehan’s leadership and strong voice and the grass roots effort undertaken here in New Mexico, I would hope that the entire country, while focusing on the November 19th referendum here in Albuquerque, would offer up a day of prayer on November 3rd for this important and unique initiative.”
Newman agreed, stating, “We must stand strong against the under-handed tactics of Obama and his operatives, who are making an unprecedented attempt to intervene in a municipal election under the guise of a local activist group. For Obama, it is all about abortion all the time, and he isn’t afraid to through his weight around to ensure that babies continue to die. Please join us on November 3 in praying for the success of the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Ordinance.”
Read the Project Defending Life Press Release that includes a statement from Archbishop Sheehan.
To learn more, visit Behind Opposition to ABQ Late-term Abortion Ban as Archbishop Sheehan Calls For “Day of Prayer”