Wichita, KS — A group of about a dozen young people led by Jason Storms of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, just spent five days in Kansas in training and outreach with Operation Rescue.
The group spent time in a classroom setting with Operation Rescue President Troy Newman, receiving training in pro-life ministry. They were given a tour of the now closed Central Women’s Services abortion clinic that was purchased by Operation Rescue and is in the process of being converted into a memorial for the pre-born and OR’s national headquarters.
The group also conducted outreaches at George R. Tiller’s late-term abortion mill and other places around Wichita. They participated in a Neighborhood Prayer Walk where prayers were offered for the repentance and salvation of three Tiller employees outside their homes.
The group then went to Lawrence, Kansas for a day of pro-life outreach at the University of Kansas, the same school that graduated abortionists Tiller and Ronald Yeomans of Kansas City.
“It was great to spend time with this group so young people and to see their enthusiasm and energy. They are very intelligent and are being well trained by Jason and others to really make an impact on this nation for Christ and on behalf of protection of the innocent,” said Newman. “We look forward to working with many of them again very soon.”