By Cheryl Sullenger
Bellevue, NE – Operation Rescue has obtained the 911 audio recording and Computer Aided Dispatch printout related to a medical emergency that took place on May 4, 2018, at LeRoy Carhart’s Abortion and Contraception Clinic of Nebraska (AACCON) located in Bellevue, Nebraska.
The new records shed light on what we now know was a very serious abortion injury.
According to the 911 recording, a Carhart employee identified as “Chelsea” placed a call to 911 at 12:17 p.m. on May 4 seeking a medical transport to the University of Nebraska Medical Center for a 21-year old female.
Chelsea informed the 911 dispatcher, “Her abortion is complete, but her hemoglobin is 6-3. Six point thee. Excuse me.”
Normal hemoglobin levels for females range from 12.0 to 15.5. A hemoglobin level of 6.3 would represent a life-threatening medical emergency that would require blood transfusion(s).
Severe hemorrhaging resulting in a loss of half an abortion patient’s blood supply would likely come from serious lacerations or other internal injuries inflicted during the abortion procedure.
“We still do not know why the emergency radio traffic archive during this incident had been wiped clean. We are thankful that public 911 records were available to us. This new information indicates that the woman is lucky to have survived,” said Troy Newman, President of Operation Rescue. “We understand from other information that has come to us that this woman was treated in an intensive care unit for several days.”
Another abortionist, Shana Miles, who was working for Carhart on the day of the emergency, has not been seen at Carhart’s Bellevue abortion facility since the incident and is presumed to have quit.
Carhart has been responsible for sending 17 women by ambulance for emergency medical intervention at a hospital over the past five years, and at least that many in the five years prior to that, when he worked with George Tiller at his now-closed late-term abortion business in Wichita, Kansas.
Carhart also caused the deaths of at least two abortion patients. Christin Gilbert, 19, died in January 2005, in Wichita after a botched 29-week abortion. Jennifer Morbelli, 29, died in February 2013, after Carhart botched her 33-week abortion at a now-shuttered abortion facility in Germantown, Maryland.
“Lee Carhart has left a long wake of pain, suffering and grief over his decades-long child-killing career,” said Newman. “He is among the most dangerous abortionists in America — and one who is most protected by political corruption. We call on medical boards in Nebraska and Maryland to stop protecting him. His medical licenses must be revoked and his killing spree ended for good.”
Read CAD Printout
Read Operation Rescue’s original report on the May 4, 2018, medical emergency.
Watch: 911 Records Show Carhart Abortion Patient Hemorrhaged Half Her Blood Volume