By Cheryl Sullenger
Charleston, SC – Just released 911 records reveal that a woman bled uncontrollably and may have had a perforated uterus or other injury due to an abortion at the Planned Parenthood facility in Charleston, South Carolina. on March 12, 2021.
The records, obtained by Operation Rescue, show that a 36-year-old woman experienced pain and severe bleeding following an abortion and was transferred by ambulance to University Medical Center in Charleston.
Planned Parenthood staff was unable to stop the bleeding and was incapable of making an accurate diagnosis about the injury that caused the hemorrhaging.
The 911 call was placed by the Planned Parenthood’s health center manager, who identified herself as “Tiffany.”
“We have a woman here for a surgical procedure and – not sure if her uterus is perforated or not, but she will not stop bleeding,” the Planned Parenthood manager told 911.
The woman was still partially sedated and was not yet exhibiting any shock symptoms.
When the Planned Parenthood manager was asked if the patient required any special equipment, she answered, “I have no idea. She’s just bleeding. She won’t stop vaginally bleeding from the procedure.”
The 911 operator asked if the woman was in severe pain. The Planned Parenthood manager responded with a laugh, “Um, probably. She just had a procedure.”
“Maybe that was just a nervous laugh, but it was the only time during the call that the Planned Parenthood manager did that. It just seemed callous and a little bizarre,” said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. “A baby died, and the mother was painfully injured. That’s not really a laughing matter.”

The Charleston Planned Parenthood facility was cited during a licensing inspection conducted on November 20, 2020, for failing to report abortions within seven days of their occurrence, and for failing to report one medical emergency that resulted in an ambulance transport of a patient that took place earlier that year.
“It was obvious no one at Planned Parenthood could help the hemorrhaging woman. Uncontrolled bleeding is profoundly serious, and other women have died from it after abortions,” said Newman. “Honestly, we don’t even know if that woman survived, but the records do show she did make it to the hospital, so we hope she got the help she needed. This is more proof that abortion is not as safe as Planned Parenthood would have us believe. Unfortunately, this woman learned that the hard way.”