By Bud Shaver, Abortion Free New Mexico
Albuquerque, New Mexico- Newly obtained data from the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), website shows that unborn children in the womb continue to be adversely affected by COVID 19 vaccines at an alarming rate. Abortion Free New Mexico has also received expert analysis on the animal trials (published by the European Medicines Agency) for these vaccines that confirm what VAERS reports indicate, that these vaccines are harmful and toxic to unborn babies.
Abortion Free New Mexico has previously reported that none of the COVID 19 vaccines have been approved for pregnant women and are being distributed without full approval from the FDA on an emergency approval basis. In addition, all four of the vaccines currently being distributed are produced and/or tested with cell lines that originated from an aborted child.
As of May 22, 2021, there are a total of 283 adverse reports in VAERS where the symptom is either “spontaneous abortion” or “fetal death”. Of these, 9.54% are attributed to J&J/Janssen, 36.75% to Moderna and 53.71% to Pfizer BioNTech. These cases can be seen in the chart below based on time from vaccination to pregnancy loss. These events are occurring very close to the time of vaccination, and subsequently falling off as time progresses. This is highly suggestive of a causative link between the vaccination and the adverse event. In fact, nearly 30% of these events occurred within 0-2 days after vaccination.

There are also 18 additional reports of premature birth, premature rupture of membranes and preterm rupture of membranes. Of these 50% are within the first 0-2 days post-vaccination, and nearly 70% are within the first 10 days post-vaccination. It is important to note that according to the VAERS website:
“Underreporting” is one of the main limitations of passive surveillance systems, including VAERS. The term, underreporting refers to the fact that VAERS receives reports for only a small fraction of actual adverse events.
VAERS Report Regarding Spon… by Bud Shaver
Tara Shaver, spokeswoman for Abortion Free New Mexico issued the following statement:
All of this data strongly suggests that these experimental ‘vaccines’ are a threat to life in the womb. Some suggest that only 1% of adverse reactions to vaccines are ever reported to VAERS, so the deaths of unborn children could be as high as 28,300. It’s no secret that Bill Gates, one of the world’s leading population reduction advocates, has stated publicly that vaccines and abortion are the main drivers of his population control agenda. Unfortunately, we are currently seeing these two pro-death agendas being pushed through extreme political and medical fascism. Pregnant women should not be encouraged to take these shots and the fact that no one is telling the truth about the dangers posed to their unborn children is unfathomable.
Vaccine Animal Trials Reveal Disturbing Data
According to Abortion Free New Mexico’s whistleblower, who serves on a COVID 19 task force, the U.S. FDA has not released full study details on the animal trials conducted for the COVID 19 vaccines. However, the European Medicines Agency has and what the animal trials show is that serious birth defects occurred in the rat specimens. As you will see below, not all was well in the very limited unknown time that the tests were done and the findings do not indicate that they are safe. These findings are unfortunately not being presented to women when they are offered the vaccines during pregnancy.
Here is the whistleblower’s analysis of this data:
Many online sources claim that the COVID-19 vaccines are “safe” for pregnant mothers. The CDC website acknowledges that, “experts believe they are unlikely to pose a risk for people who are pregnant…there are currently limited data on the safety of COVID-19 vaccines in pregnant people.” However, they go on to state that, “studies in animals receiving a Moderna, Pfizer-BioNTech, or J&J/Janssen COVID-19 vaccine during pregnancy found no safety concerns in pregnant animals or their babies”(1) They go on to mention that “early data did not identify any safety concerns for pregnant people who were vaccinated or for their babies.”(1) The Pfizer factsheets state that pregnant or breastfeeding women should discuss their options with their healthcare providers.(2) Although the U.S. FDA has not released the full study details provided to them for approval of the emergency use authorization (EUA), the European Medicines Agency has. The full study documents are available at www.ema.europa.eu.
According to a New England Journal of Medicine paper on VAERS and the v-safe surveillance system, since the VAERS system is a passive surveillance system(3), depending on voluntary reporting, “there is probably substantial underreporting of pregnancy and neonatal-specific adverse events.(4) In addition, the total number of vaccinated pregnant women is not recorded. The paper also states that, “among pregnancy-specific conditions reported to VAERS after COVID-19 vaccination, miscarriage was the most common.(4) They also go on to point out that miscarriage was also the most common adverse event reported by pregnant women who received the 2009 H1N1 vaccine.(5) Besides the miscarriages, the authors state that the data does not indicate safety signals with respect to pregnancy or neonatal outcomes in the third trimester. In fact, the data shows that 92.3% of the spontaneous abortions occurred before 13 weeks gestation.(4)
According to the reproduction toxicity study on the Pfizer product, performed in pregnant rats: “There was an increase (~2x) of pre-implantation (pregnancy) loss”and,“a very low incidence of gastroschisis, mouth/jaw malformations, right sided aortic arch, and cervical vertebrae abnormalities.”(6)They claim that these pregnancy reductions are within normal histological ranges, however, they were consistently seen, and are likely statistically significant.Gastroschisis is where the intestines grow outside of the body. Right-sided aortic arch means the heart has basically formed in the wrong direction (the aortic arch should be on the left side). Mouth/jaw malformations and cervical vertebrae abnormalities are not described further. According to the reproduction toxicity study on the Moderna product: “The mRNA-1273-related non-adverse effects were limited to an increase in the number of foetuses with common skeletal variations of 1 or more rib nodules and 1 or more wavy ribs, with no effect on the viability and growth on the F1 generation pups.” and “no vaccine dose was administered during the early organogenesis, to address the direct embryotoxic effect of the components of the vaccine formulation.”(7) In other words, we don’t know if there would have been teratogenic effects (on development) because the injections were given after the embryo had formed into a fetus. It goes on to state that, “The overall pregnancy index was numerically lower in mRNA1273 vaccinated female rats (84.1%), compared to control animals (93.2%), but remains within the Test Facility’s historical control range (low range being 75%).”(7) This is still a clear 10% reduction vs the controls. To say that animal studies found no safety concerns, apparently is a matter of opinion. Based on the data, I disagree with the narrative provided by the CDC.
Unlike traditional vaccines, the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines use nanoparticles to carry instructions on making the COVID 19 viral spike protein to your cells. The nanoparticles are able to diffuse across your cell membranes indiscriminately. No other vaccines are carried by nanoparticles that are known to cross the blood-brain barrier and literally enter every cell type in our bodies. Even the COVID-19 virus itself can not do this. Upon entry, your cells are hijacked to translate the mRNA to spike proteins, which are then anchored to your cell surfaces by an anchor protein also encoded in the mRNA. Animal studies were also performed to find out where in the body the nanoparticles go. Regarding the Pfizer product, they report that the nanoparticles were distributed to, “all tissues in the body.” “Over 48 hours distribution was mainly observed to the liver, adrenal glands, spleen and ovaries.”(6) Additionally they note that, “several literature reports indicate that LNP-formulated RNAs can distribute rather non-specifically to several other organs such as spleen, heart, kidney, lung and brain.”(6) The Moderna study reported similar findings. They state that “low levels of mRNA could be detected in all examined tissues except the kidney. This included heart, lung, testis and also brain tissues, indicating that the mRNA/LNP crossed the blood brain barrier.”(7)These findings have troubling implications, not only for pregnancy, but for fertility and, sadly the preservation of every organ system in the body. If the germ cells, or worse, the neurons, start expressing a viral spike protein, what is to stop the immune system from attacking them?
In response to this expert analysis, Tara Shaver of Abortion Free New Mexico reached the following conclusion.
These animal trial results should be alarming to everyone, especially pregnant women who are being led to believe that the COVID 19 vaccines are safe. We know that they are experimental and therefore those who take them become part of the experiment. None of these vaccines have been approved for pregnant women and are only being used on an emergency basis for the rest of the population. It is dangerous territory to bring innocent, helpless and defenseless unborn children into this human experiment not knowing the exact short and long term outcomes. The VAERS data clearly shows that hundreds of babies in the womb have died because their moms took these vaccines.
- COVID-19 Vaccines While Pregnant or Breastfeeding (cdc.gov) https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/recommendations/pregnancy.html
- Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine EUA Fact Sheet for Recipients and Caregivers (fda.gov) https://www.fda.gov/media/144638/download#page=2
- Shimabukuro, T. T., Nguyen, M., Martin, D., & DeStefano, F. (2015). Safety monitoring in the vaccine adverse event reporting system (VAERS). Vaccine, 33(36), 4398-4405.
- Shimabukuro, T. T., Kim, S. Y., Myers, T. R., Moro, P. L., Oduyebo, T., Panagiotakopoulos, L., … & Meaney-Delman, D. M. (2021). Preliminary findings of mrna covid-19 vaccine safety in pregnant persons. New England Journal of Medicine. DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa2104983
- Moro, P. L., Broder, K., Zheteyeva, Y., Revzina, N., Tepper, N., Kissin, D., … & Vellozzi, C. (2011). Adverse events following administration to pregnant women of influenza A (H1N1) 2009 monovalent vaccine reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. American journal of obstetrics and gynecology, 205(5), 473-e1.
- Comirnaty, INN-COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine (nucleoside-modified) (europa.eu) https://www.ema.europa.eu/en/documents/assessment-report/comirnaty-epar-public-assessment-report_en.pdf
- COVID-19 Vaccine Moderna, INN-COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine (nucleoside modified) (europa.eu) https://www.ema.europa.eu/en/documents/assessment-report/covid-19-vaccine-moderna-epar-public-assessment-report_en.pdf
Previous RELATED reports by Abortion Free New Mexico:
- Breaking: 28 Week Pre-born Baby Dies in Utero After Maternal COVID Vaccination
- UPDATE: Whistleblower Reveals Additional Pregnancy Complications After COVID 19 Vaccine
[Reprinted with permission.]