Tomorrow, May 3rd, Christians across the nation will observe the National Day of Prayer. We humbly ask that Operation Rescue and a critical situation in Kansas be included in your prayers.
We have asked the Kansas Legislature to take whatever action it has the authority to take to bring George R. Tiller to justice for committing illegal post-viability abortions. The Legislature is in its final hours of session for 2007, and we are in need of an answer to prayer if anything is to be accomplished before it disbands for the year.
Also, we are expecting an announcement any day from pro-abortion Attorney General Paul Morrison concerning whether or not he will pursue charges against Tiller. Last December you may recall that 30 criminal charges were filed against Tiller, all related to illegal late-term abortions, only to be dismissed at the request on Tiller’s personal friend, District Attorney Nola Foulston. Tiller’s political allies have effectively prevented the reinstatement of the charges, even though two judges ruled that there is probable cause to believe that Tiller committed the crimes.
While we await the decisions of those in authority, we are painfully aware that even as this is written, innocent late-term babies are being aborted that should have the protection of Kansas law that prohibits abortions past 21 weeks. The stall tactics are costing lives!
Please take a moment tomorrow to pray to the God of Righteousness and Justice, Jesus Christ, for this critical time in our efforts to stop the most heinous late-term abortionist in the nation, and pray for justice to be restored for the pre-born, not only in Kansas, but across the nation.

“He is the Rock, His work is perfect; For all His ways are justice, A God of truth and without injustice; Righteous and upright is He.”
—Deuteronomy 32:4

For more information on the critical situation in Kansas, please click here or you may visit
Please consider joining us in Wichita, KS, on May 17-20 for 77 hours of continuous prayer for the repentance of Tiller and the end to abortion outside Tiller’s infamous late-term abortion mill. Please visit our “Pray In May” Event Page for further details.